I don't discount God created everything but the story of Genesis seems lacking in some areas. I think when it was written there was no need to elaborate on some already well accepted truths that were present then but not now. Giants for example, not as common today. I believe Earth's magnetic field was different and the ability to harness electricity was lost during past cataclysms. "Magic" or the the knowledge of chemistry was known at one time, probably guarded too well and was lost, as well much knowledge about celestial and dimensional things. There is evidence of past civilizations but knowledge is power, and who has the knowledge wants to keep the power. All we are allowed to see is a shadow of what is truly there. We can guess but until Christ returns and makes all things known we are stuck putting a jigsaw puzzle together with half the pieces and a black and white picture for reference. Here's what we know; God is Creator and loves us. Christ is divine and died for us. This somehow enabled us to receive the Holy Spirit to quicken to our souls and grant us power over sinfulness in our lives and adoption into God's holy family. Most likely what devastated life on our planet before is going to happen again. The elites have the benefit of inside information, wealth, organization, influence and technology to help them achieve their goals. Their goal appears to be world dominance. Just like all empires there will be the ruling elect and all others are slave class and are subject to them. They either worship an actual entity demonic in nature or Lucifer to them is knowledge, enlightenment. They know what we don't and they will use it to their advantage to rule over us, as did the Babylonians, the Egyptians and the Romans. All worshiped the same deities with different names. All had similar symbols and still do today. I believe there is either evidence of a world wide catastrophic event in our near future or a great delusion of one to get people to give up their rights. Going by Revelations I'm leaning toward the former. This will allow the elites to hide in their bunkers until the smoke clears and sort out the "garbage" in the aftermath once most of the world's population is dead. Enter NWO. Whether the "aliens" are galactic travelers, interdimensional demonic entities, or former earths inhabitants I don't trust them, but ignoring their existence is foolish. With Vatican's recent stance on them they are definitely part of the equation. I think just as the messianic Jews of today go back and read the scriptures to identify Christ, we too will be on the other side using hind sight to identify the Antichrist, the Beast, the False Prophet, the Mark of the Beast, etc. Thankfully there is a conspiracy forum now so like minded individuals can rant with less scrutiny.