People tend to forget whose "issue" it is.A child is Gods creation.As a Christian we give up our "rights".When you have your child dedicated the pastor speaks of how the child has been given to you by God to raise in the admonition of the Lord and guide to the right path.When I hear a Christian woman talk about the "womans right" to her body I cringe.Someone apparently hasnt really read their Bible.We are the temple of the Holy Ghost,we were bought with a price and we are not our own.We are to serve God and His purposes,not our own.We dont get to tell God what to do.Besides that with all the baby parts selling in the news right now I dont know how any parent could truly go though with abortion. But someone who says they are a Christian? It is beyond my comprehension.It is wrong,no matter how you slice it,try to justify it,make excuses.The OP is wrong. But I have a sneaking suspicion that we wont hear anyone from this OP.
God gave the OP this child, did He not? Was he wrong? Did God make a mistake? No,I dont think so.
You misunderstood me; the person, Anon, who shared her story is a woman -- this is all that was meant by "THIS woman's issue".