Good morning all. I'm sorry I don't have the talent and know-how to post all the fancy blessings, you ppl sure are creative, and it's a joy.
All I have at this time is this broken and rather feeble attempt at prayer, and I hope God accepts it.
Father in heaven, please bless everyone here on cchat in the way only you know how and are capable of. Please bring healing and comfort through the presence of your Holy Spirit to each of us in a new and personal way. Bless Frank with healing, Lord, especially, thank you for his words of faith, and thank you for everyone that contributes in their own special way to try to encourage each other and keep each other lifted up to you, whether through song, or prayer, or paintings and pictures, humor, tears, a {hug}, a word of love or even times of doubt as we try to work through and grow in your grace knowledge, Lord.
In all these things we ask for your help and guidance, and to be more aware of your presence and to trust in your abiding love.
Please grant each a good weekend in the way you determine, Father, we know all things work together for the good for us, for you are good, you're love is everlasting and your mercy endures forever. We thank you, Jesus, for so great salvation, and we thank you, Lord, for this family you are knitting together in your name.
We pray for those we have yet to meet, and pray that we can do our part, in whatever way that may be, to help the family grow. Your word says they will know us by the love we have for one another, and we want as many as whosoever will come to know you as our God, our Saviour, and our friend. We give you all the thanks, Father God, praying in our Lord Jesus' name. Amen.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, in His grace, joy, love and peace. Thank you , Jesus !
With love, your friend, michael.