The law no longer applies to us., we are no longer under law but under grace.
The enmity is GONE., nothing between any more. Dragging our sins back into the picture IS legalism.
Language matters. Love matters.
It is easy to dishonour our Lord, to take what he has said and miss the point, because the core ingredient is our hearts.
If you are not walking in righteousness there is a problem. The law does not justify us, but it helps identifying failure.
If you are in grace, knowing the depths of love the Lord has for you, in your innermost being, where only you go, there is no problem accepting rebuke, accepting need, accepting change.
What the apostles are saying time and again, people claim so much in Jesus, yet show so little, so the work must have failed.
Do you know in your life the meaning of the words, to love from your heart?
Do you know the meaning of living with love on your sleeve? Can you relate to what is in your heart is what you show to other people, not the filtered version, through layers of preparation or thought?
Unfortunately the people who most oppose these realities are from the Hyper grace groups. But this is what the gospel good news is offering, reality where you do love from your whole being, where defence becomes less important to seeing people as they really are, with all their faults and failings, but still worthy of being loved.
If anyone tries to become like this through obedience to rules they will always fail, because it can only be achieved through the cross and that love of Jesus transforming you. It can take a long time, and I mean a life-time.
The problem, as christians, we all face, is we so easily accept we have arrived intellectually while our hearts are still wrapped up in unhealthy denial of emotional failure and need. C S Lewis the great divorce sums up a lot of these realities.
I was accused by someone of careful choosing of words but what they did not understand this is who I am, not an abstract idea. To those who have not walked this path, it appears like an impossible dream, but Jesus promises this reality by the resurrection.
So I do not believe the Hyper grace people, because they do not preach from the heart or recognise the failure in sinful behaviour, or the legalists, if they do not recognise the true driver of righteousness, love and grace.