So the debate is on! We have this theory here and that theory there. Why is it I see no difference between this debate, in some, and a debate amongst the world? With some saying, "Well, we have to talk things out!" ... "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, that you love one another." John 13:35.
* Predispose that both arguments are right. Now what?, we feel good for not being wrong, we feel good for others not being wrong? Are some of us wanting to start a posse' mentality toward insurgent activities in our Government. A Government that I love, but know is not Christ based? What are all of our end-game goals here?
For those who simply want us not to venture into the wrongness of our own thoughts, thats good in my opinion. The ones who have adopted the facts they deem correct, which I myself could debate vigorously as well, as to all of them under scrutiny, for we assume a fact to be a fact without looking at all possibilities in those seemingly unarguable conclusions, yet we would be wrong to do so. But my point here is not to really kill that part, there is no point in it over what I am about to say:
My point is what will God do in us with our answers to this? Or is this just a Ferris -Wheel ride for the fun of it? Hey, maybe so.... Some here are simply here to be corrective, some are here to be suggestive, but either party must conclude a point behind their camps, and for us as Christians a godly point..And I ask you what is that conclusion?
Surely it is not to simply banter I hope. "We tend to us prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. Who knows all the details to this issue? We all know God does, I hope. Why then need we throw any of our credentials at each other? " slow to speak..." I think we do this because we pray when there's nothing else we can do, so we get busy at it..., but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.
I would applaud a thread which was a prayer thread about this, because the camps of thought could merge under one heading, Gods Will! But to me, God has not called me to gather my opinion and experiences, which I could use, to shoot down another; It's simply pointless.
We want immediate results to a thing don't we?. We don't want to wait for God to resolve matters, or even implant the proper pray in us for the thing we seek answers to,... waiting in His good time because His idea of "good time" is seldom in sync with ours. What will we do with the answer either way is my point today?! What would God have us do and pray for as a result of either camps answers to be correct? We live by Faith.......right?! I have prayed and I think I will rest my thoughts on the fact this was a tragedy that was not in way of a super intense conspiracy, I have my facts in hand as I say this...but I do as my chief commands and this is not His call for me, is all. May God be blessed in all of this, and may we see the real light at the end of the tunnel!