Or, you could be like Canada and abolish the death penalty. Then mass murderer and child killers like Clifford Olsen can get life in prison, which is only 20 years. Except with good behaviour, the time is halved. So ten years.
So there is a yearly parole meeting in Ottawa to decide if this psychopath should be allowed to be released back into public. And the 13 parents of those kids who were raped and murdered by this man have to fly annually across the country, on their on own dime, to once again say how what he did destroyed their families and lives.
Meanwhile, his ex-wife got the money from his book deal, and lives a happy life. Not that she was responsible, but she did hide him in her church, and everyone thought he was such a great guy.
I think there is a huge difference between the state deciding to execute people, than an individual taking someone's life into their hands. The state has the God given authority to put people to death, which we do not have. Since this whole no capital punishment has had some really bad parts in Canada, I think it would be better if we went back to executing mass murderers, and those who kill cops and prison guards, which is how the law stood for a few years.
Of course, in Canada, we don't execute these mass murderers, but now we are passing a law to allow euthenasia. And that is not just about terminally ill people, but pretty much anyone who wants to die, but are too lazy or scared to do it to themselves.
If you really want to ask a question about pro-life, you would be better off addressing the twin issues of abortion and euthenasia. I am really fearful for my life. I am very disabled, and if I get worse, I might just get written off and conveniently killed. And if you don't think that happens, look into Holland and Belgium. They started with supposedly noble goals of helping the suffering, and they have degenerated into killing bored and depressed people in their 70's, who have a lot to contribute to society.
My daughter was visiting a friend whose husband is a palliative care physician, and he said the fact they are even talking about this euthenasia law shows what a sad state Canadian palliative care is in. There is no reason anyone has to suffer as they die. I know when my father was dying, he was dealt with properly by an excellent palliative care doctor and he did not suffer. As a palliative care chaplain in the past, I can attest to the amazing presence of God in the rooms of the dying, and how much those people have to offer us even on the brink of death.