A believer., a born again child of God is not sinless., we will sin because we still have this flesh to work out what Christ has put in. But Christ gave us the gift of no condemnation. We have been purged from a guilty conscience and the way to wisely USE this gift of no condemnation is by applying grace.
And so, a born again Christian is not sinless., a born again Christian is guiltless.
I've posted on these forums long enough to know many will disagree with this. But reading the many struggles of the believers who come to CC looking for help, it's clear that an understanding of grace and the gift of no condemnation must be applied. Most Christians don't avail themselves to this amazing grace we have been given. Jesus didn't say get cleaned up before you come and ask for help.
Do you have a guilty conscience? Why not through the grace freely given, receive the gift of no condemnation?
And so, a born again Christian is not sinless., a born again Christian is guiltless.
I've posted on these forums long enough to know many will disagree with this. But reading the many struggles of the believers who come to CC looking for help, it's clear that an understanding of grace and the gift of no condemnation must be applied. Most Christians don't avail themselves to this amazing grace we have been given. Jesus didn't say get cleaned up before you come and ask for help.
Do you have a guilty conscience? Why not through the grace freely given, receive the gift of no condemnation?