Like Ellie, I suffer from chronic and debilitating pain. In the past, I was able to easily get off these meds when I found drugs to treat the RA. Well, that is not happening, and my rheumatologist gives me little hope the RA drugs will ever stop the pain. So I take prednisone (very addictive!) and pain meds. I know I could get off of them tomorrow, if I could stop the pain.
But I have never thought that my condition, which requires addictive drugs to control the pain, makes me a drug addict, and that I am not saved. In fact, the drugs make me able to function and interact with life. They allow me to study Greek, and to minister to people God brings my way. And I hope to start in long term care doing chaplain work, again, after Greek is finished. I am also helping out in my local church in many ways.
I read my Bible and pray daily. I love Jesus. What more can I say? I feel no condemnation from God for having to take meds, but a lot of comfort from Him for coping with all I do every day. God knows and understands what I am going through.
So maybe being a person with chronic pain addicted to drugs to help me cope, with no high at all, is different than a street druggie? I just think that salvation is about believing in Christ and following him. Can a junkie do that? I don't know, as I have never been a junkie. But I do hope that God will minister to those who have known Christ and taken a wrong turn, so that they will turn away from their addiction and back to Jesus.