I feel guilty writing for prayers and asking for support when other are going through much worse trials. My problem is anxiety and depression from my husband losing his teaching contract. There is much more to this, hopefully you can read my first post. I don't want to keep repeating myself to the great people who have sent me support. I am having a problem just getting up and making myself look at all I have right now. I have always struggled with depression in one form or another (not enough to stop me from working and living) but it plagues me. From what I know about my ancesters, this is something that runs in the family. (I THINK a person's chemistry might be connected). I am having dreams about my past . . . at least that is what happened for a couple of nights. I have made mistakes and they are in front of me when I awake. This on top of fighting a fear of what is next. I don't expect you great Christian Chatters to be my therapists, but I just need someone to be here. I have a few friends, but I don't want to talk about this. Sometimes a stranger is such a blessing and comforter sent from God. Does anyone ever feel open enough to chat by phone? All replies are appreciated.