Some interesting perspectives here. I've read a few books now on the topic talking about both sides of the argument, so I shall offer my thoughts.
Firstly, the word '
Gay' needs to be defined here. Typically calling someone gay implies that they are living a gay lifestyle. So to differentiate, let's refer to Christians who experience homosexual feelings as Same Sex Attracted[ion] (
I personally have experienced SSA since I was about 13, but I (now since becoming a Christian) identify myself first and foremost as a
Christian who is defined by Christ, I am not a
gay Christian. But rather I am a
Christian who experiences SSA while denying to act upon those desires.
It is not a sin to experience SSA, SSA is a result of the fall. In fact, it seems to me that we should
expect to see people with immoral and perverse sexual desires and the like, because of our sinful flesh and nature. God didn't make me gay, like he didn't create me with the desire to lust, desires to steal, lie, or covet..... these are rather the consquences of sin. But it is what one does with those desires that is important. If you are SSA and you unrepentedly decide to lust after other men, or have sexual relations with another man, then you are committing sin. However, like Jesus calls us to do with other sinful desires, he calls us to deny ourselves and to pick up our cross and follow him. We are to deny the flesh.
So to the question.
No, it is not a sin to experience SSA.
But yes, - it is a sin to embrace a gay lifestyle, and to even expand that further it is a sin to partake in any sexual activity outside of marriage. ... then
what is marriage? It is by definition the joining together of a man and a woman before God. There cannot be gay marriage, because marriage is between a man and a woman only. Man is similar yet different to woman in the right way, like the church is similar yet different to Jesus in the right way. Marriage is also meant to reflect the grace that God shows to his people in Christ:
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. - Eph 5:31-32
Paul is saying that marriage is about the relationship Jesus has with the church. It too, is a union between two different yet complementary entities. The church is not the same as Christ, and Christ is not the same as the church. Human marriage is a reflection of this supreme, heavenly marriage between Christ and his people. A man and a man, or a woman and a woman, cannot reflect the union of Christ and the church; instead these only reflect Christ and Christ, or church and church.
Anyway, while I do indeed battle with SSA, by God's grace I am now attracted to women (since 2013).
My 2 cents.