1: The deal is not closed. It is impossible to close a deal on a home in a matter of hours. We are currently in the process of buying a home, and it will take time. Watch a house hunters in San Francisco and you will understand how crazy the market here is.
2: Our marriage was God's plan for us. We both have issues with various things and if we wait for our lives to be perfect, we might never be able to live! Our dating history is pretty complicated, but we have been through a lot together and we love each other. We talk about everything and wouldn't have gotten married if we hadn't been ready.
3: Probably smart not to post addresses! I just got caught up in the moment. We didn't buy that house anyway.
We decided to leave social media and electronics at home while we are away (Minus cell phones), so I won't be on the site at all until Saturday of next week. Thanks for the encouragement!