Everybody who drives faster than I is a reckless speed demon. Everybody who drives slower than I is a doddering old slowpoke. The only speed that does not earn my ire is the exact speed I am driving.
So there!
Three things help with road rage. One, remember to leave a few minutes early. If I always leave at the last minute I always have a stressful drive. Three minutes to spare can change the whole driving experience.
Two, remember that everybody on the road is trying to get down the same road at their best pace. For some that may be slower, and some people may have never even heard of the road etiquette rule I just saw them break. Yes, some people have never heard of dimming their lights and some people don't know the left lane is for passing. No I'm not lying or making a bad joke. They really have never heard anybody mention that is what you should do on the road.
Three, when I am thinking "You idiot!" remember that sometimes I have been the idiot.