God made us to be whole human beings. The Bible has to be the foundation of our lives. Our relationship with Christ always has to be #1. But, that doesn't mean we are to neglect our bodies, our minds or anything else.
When I started going to seminary, I was feeling better with my RA, and I took up bicycling. I made up Christian playlists for my then IPod, later IPhone, and rode my bike long and hard, praising God for over an hour! I physically relieved stress by pushing my body. I mentally and spiritually relieved stress by thinking about God, praying and talking with him, and praising him.
Yes, I read the Bible daily, and study it in Greek. I have so many life verses, I don't have space to relate them all. Which is my point. I can tell you till I am blue in the face about how God used Romans 5:3-5, to help me realize that we all suffer in this life, and God is building character, or the Psalms made me realize I had been lied to about how Christians are all supposed to be perfect, and have a perfect life.
But the problem is, that is something God gave me! Now, if I write out about how God gave these verses to me, and how I have grown, I am telling you about MY walk with God. Which is not to say God won't use my words, or anyone's words to help someone else. But in the end, we need to have that walk with Christ, and let him do the majority of the teaching us, through the Holy Spirit.