Just wondering if anyone else thinks that all this has no point except to be better off in heaven after death. As every dream or effort seems to have a selfish connection no matter what. Unless your a travelling healer preacher.
Well,we all hit areas of doubt. We can encourage one another at these times.
King David struggled also with this.
Read the psalm and see his anguish,his cries,his heartache,and then his REFOUND JOY AND VICTORY.
We must stay inspired and encouraged.
Go to the throne. Cry out to him. Be refreshed and encouraged . Don't ever let life steal your joy. Joy is our portion. It belongs to us. It comes from heaven.
All life,virtue,vigor,and peace come from heavenTO US.
Take what is yours my friend.
Enjoy the ride.
Without the peril,attacks,and the heartache,then the breakout into joy,our walk would be fake. No backbone.
Ride the wave. Understand your enemy is threefold.
The world
The flesh
And the devil.
Guess what? They all go down like ole goliath!!!!