One of the biggest causes for doubt of Christianity for me is the ridiculous claims of a small number of Christians, which bring shame to Jesus.
As an example, one woman in chat claims that a cat spoke to her, and that she resurrected the dead from a morgue. Over time there have been tons of other ones which made similar claims about healings they performed, etcetera.
Yeah, right, I'm sure she bypassed multiple levels of security and raised a dead person in a morgue and it escaped the news..not..
Another claimed Michelle Obama was a guy and he knew it FOR SURE.
But, even more worrisome than ridiculous claims is the fact that such people are considered gurus on the site by a significant number. People flock to them for advice.
Having come from a cult who claimed to have all their i's dotted and their t's crossed doctrinally, and accused other Christians of being ignorant, I sometimes have to consider whether they may be right about a huge segment of Christianity. They themselves had poor theology, but their assessment of the gullibility of some other Christians seems to be on target.
I am guessing a full third of Christians would find such an individual as mentioned above to be plausible as a source of truth, even though they make outlandish claims.
Anyways, I am considering keeping a running list of ridiculous claims that people make in the chatroom, and bringing them up on a regular basis. Maybe that will shame them into not shaming Christ by making such outlandish claims.
Luckily, Christians in my real life are not so foolish or I'd likely abandon Christianity.
As an example, one woman in chat claims that a cat spoke to her, and that she resurrected the dead from a morgue. Over time there have been tons of other ones which made similar claims about healings they performed, etcetera.
Yeah, right, I'm sure she bypassed multiple levels of security and raised a dead person in a morgue and it escaped the news..not..
Another claimed Michelle Obama was a guy and he knew it FOR SURE.
But, even more worrisome than ridiculous claims is the fact that such people are considered gurus on the site by a significant number. People flock to them for advice.
Having come from a cult who claimed to have all their i's dotted and their t's crossed doctrinally, and accused other Christians of being ignorant, I sometimes have to consider whether they may be right about a huge segment of Christianity. They themselves had poor theology, but their assessment of the gullibility of some other Christians seems to be on target.
I am guessing a full third of Christians would find such an individual as mentioned above to be plausible as a source of truth, even though they make outlandish claims.
Anyways, I am considering keeping a running list of ridiculous claims that people make in the chatroom, and bringing them up on a regular basis. Maybe that will shame them into not shaming Christ by making such outlandish claims.
Luckily, Christians in my real life are not so foolish or I'd likely abandon Christianity.