Why I now believe in Predistination/Election

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Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
That is false logic. If God knows all things He cannot learn even more things. That is a logical impossibility and therefore does not raise the question as to what is possible with God.
Amen!!! why would you even want to think of illogical ideas like that. So if all things are possible for God. Can God make a rock so big He can't lift it? Just because you can put words together in a sentence, doesn't mean it's logical. If God is light, can He make a place so dark that if He was there it would still be dark? When we know logically, darkness can not be where light is, light cancels out darkness..


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
You said, if God knows all things . . .
He's not using "if" as a continual clause, he's using it as a conjunction, but I'm sure you knew that. I don't understand why you would want to play word game with a brother. We are called to love one another, this is how we know if (conditional clause) some one is are born of God.

1 John3:9-10 "
No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God.
10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother."


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
Why are unbelievers told to believe and repent if in actuality they have no choice. God honoring our free will brings him glory above all else. Job was a good example. Satin told God let me mess with Job and I know he will give up on you. God told Satin go ahead i believe Job will remain faithful.

Job was not forced to have faith, or God could of told Satin ," Satin now you know you have no influence on my children and for my chosen few I will carry them all the way unto death. So no satin tempting Job is pointless because i know he will remain faithful."

We bring glory to God by being faithful.
​This is a good example of preservation or perseverance of the saints, Job was all ready a believer, so it was his free will to serve God. Where a sinner is a slave to sin John 8:34 "Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin."

Psalm 53:1-4 “The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good. 2 God looks down from heaven on the children of man to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. 3 They have all fallen away; together they have become corrupt; there is none who does good, not even one. 4 Have those who work evil no knowledge, who eat up my people as they eat bread, and do not call upon God?

Job was not like these he was a servant the Lord. While we are sinners we don't seek, think about, we hate and are at war with God, because like John 3:20 says.


Senior Member
Nov 14, 2016
I have not been on this chat in 3 years but I felt heavily compelled in my heart to write this today.

I have always struggled to make sense of the predestination verses. (Romans 8: 29-30, Matthew 11:27, Psalm 65:4, Romans 9, etc.) To make sense of it I tried to think that God chose people to be saved based of knowing the future and seeing people choosing Him, hence the “foreknowing” but now I know how flawed that way of thinking is. In regards to free will I used to think how God made the way of salvation clear and just waited for us to accept like a gift. I now know how flawed that way of thinking is as well.

Yes, these predestination verses helped me to better understand but I still fought against it because I didn’t want to believe that God would choose some and not others. Ultimately I wanted to believe that I had a choice. How selfish and prideful I was to think that way.

It was not a verse about predestination that opened the door to the truth but actually verses about our utter depravity of sin:
Psalm 53:2-3
God looks down from heaven
on all mankind
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.
Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.

I have read these verses before but about 1-2 years ago these verses really hit home to how sinful I really am. We always want to find some kind of good in us, some kind of tiny little ray of light (even if it’s the act of choosing God) and to show God saying, “Look, I did this! I chose You!”

Ultimately that is pride. It is us trying to believe that we are capable of goodness outside of Christ. In reality that is not possible. Even as Christians we are filled with sin: our actions, out thoughts, even our prayers are tainted with sin. There is no escape, no explaining away, and no changing it. We are filled with sin at all times.

In addition, because we are always filled with sin, our base nature is to reject anything that is of Christ. We were born into rebellion and live on in ultimate rebellion before becoming a Christian. It is impossible for anything in us to choose the salvation of Christ. No matter how free, wonderful, loving etc…..it is impossible. Our sin nature would never allow it. Evil would never choose its destruction which is Christ.

That is how I finally realized that predestination makes sense. Because it is literally the ONLY way that I would ever “choose” salvation. It is the Spirit of God that has given me the desire for Jesus, and it is His Spirit that has given me the power to “choose” Him.

Yes, at the age of eight, I remember making a conscience decision to accept His salvation through faith. I remember my fear of my sin and hell, desiring His love, of wanting a Father. I remember choosing Him. But I have come to realize that these desires for Him were not of myself but of His Spirit through me. I had no say in the matter.
Then how do I marriage the two facts that I consciously chose Him but also knowing that it is only God that would give me the desire to chose Him to begin with?

I don’t know. Any you know what? I am ok with that. I trust God that He knows how it works and that gives me peace. Confusion is not always a bad thing. Sometimes you just have to lay it at the feet of Jesus and say, “Lord, You know.”
There is song that I have found by a Christian rapper named Shai Linne called “Election”. I highly recommend you give it a listen as it explains Election/Predestination quite well. I know you might have heard how free will is like someone who is floating out at sea and salvation is God throwing a rope at us and all we have to do is grab it. There is a part of this song that explains how flawed that line of thinking is:

“Some people say that we were drowning in the ocean
Barely floating until God threw us the rope then
Our free will helped us as we groped
Our faith is the hand that grabbed the rope and God put us back in the boat
Nope! Without apology I deny that analogy
Reality- we were dead at the bottom of the sea
I was a swollen corpse with hope no more
Until Jehovah the LORD dove from the shore to the ocean floor
Yeah, I was a corpse and I smelled like it
I’ll keep it simple, why did God choose me? Because He felt like it!
He brought me out, not an act of my volition
Breathed life into my lungs and didn’t ask for my permission”

I was a corpse at the bottom of the ocean. I could not grab that rope nor would I ever want to even if I could.

Honestly, I so glad that I had no say in my salvation. How awful would it be that God had to depend on our choice? That is like stripping power out of God’s hands and placing it in ours. Knowing how utterly sinful and disgusting I am, I am so thankful that it could only be by the grace of God that I could ever be saved. Depending on myself to accomplish any type of good is horrifying because I know that I am not capable of producing any good at all outside of Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank You!

I apologize for this being so long haha. It was just on my heart all morning as I was cleaning the house.
*** greetings from Texas*** respect your views, but I believe God gives everyone free will to choose their path*** no one is predestined for Salvation without their decision which involves free will***God Bless...
Nov 12, 2015
I agree with, as said on the Holy Scripture:

  • "All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him." (Matthew 11.27).
  • "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me." (John 6.44.45).
  • "nd the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." (2Ti 2.24-26).
Wow...one of those moments just hit me where I saw a verse that I had read 50 times and never noticed. That part you underlined. I think it was this thread where we were talking about that very thing, but we didn't have this verse.

Makes me wonder too...if we strive and aren't gentle, patient and meek in our teaching or correction, we work against God while saying we are working for Him...it becomes apparent that we are defending our pride rather than praying He will give them repentance/turning back to faith in His word.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
*** greetings from Texas*** respect your views, but I believe God gives everyone free will to choose their path*** no one is predestined for Salvation without their decision which involves free will***God Bless...
Slaves don't get to chose, they are directed John 8:34 "Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin."

Romans 8:30 "
And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified."

What are the called to? What are they justified from? What are they glorified for?



Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
Psalm 8:3 "Salvation belongs to the Lord; your blessing be on your people!"

I don't understand why people want to take credit for God's work and steal His glory.

Psalm 10:3 "
For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire; he blesses the greedy and renounces the Lord."

Jeremiah 17:9 "
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"



Senior Member
Mar 18, 2017
Wow...one of those moments just hit me where I saw a verse that I had read 50 times and never noticed. That part you underlined. I think it was this thread where we were talking about that very thing, but we didn't have this verse.

Makes me wonder too...if we strive and aren't gentle, patient and meek in our teaching or correction, we work against God while saying we are working for Him...it becomes apparent that we are defending our pride rather than praying He will give them repentance/turning back to faith in His word.
That verse is in the same vein as I Peter 3:13-17 "Now who is there to harm you if you are zealous for what is good?14 But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled,15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame.17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil."

Jude 1:3-4 "
Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.4 For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ."
Aug 15, 2009
John 3:14“As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; 15so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. 16“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

1 John 5:1
New American Standard Bible
Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and whoever loves the Father loves the child born of Him.

Romans 10
6But the righteousness based on faith speaks as follows: “DO NOT SAY IN YOUR HEART, ‘WHO WILL ASCEND INTO HEAVEN?’ (that is, to bring Christ down), 7or ‘WHO WILL DESCEND INTO THE ABYSS?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).” 8But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. 11For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.” 12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.”

John 12: 44 And Jesus cried out and said, “He who believes in Me, does not believe in Me but in Him who sent Me.45“He who sees Me sees the One who sent Me. 46“I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.

Acts 10:42“And He ordered us to preach to the people, and solemnly to testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead. 43“Of Him all the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins.”

New American Standard Bible

John 11: 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,26and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”

What do I not see? "he, whom God has chosen", or "he whom I decide".

It's always "whosoever", "whoever", "anyone", "everyone".

If God only allowed some, & not all, He would be the wrong god.

Revelation 21
5And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” And He said, “Write, for these words are faithful and true.” 6Then He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost. 7He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son. 8“But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
Revelation 22:17
New American Standard Bible
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come." And let the one who hears say, "Come." And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.
Dec 28, 2016
*** greetings from Texas*** respect your views, but I believe God gives everyone free will to choose their path*** no one is predestined for Salvation without their decision which involves free will***God Bless...
Well, welcome to CF. Please continue to study, no one has free will who is lost; John 8:35, and it is actually God who chooses; 2:13-15; not mans; John 1:13; Romans 9:11ff; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:1-5 &c. :)


Let's clarify this.

1. A surgery is scheduled for 5:30 AM, and at 11:00 AM you are praying for 5:30AM surgery to go well.... AFTER the surgery is over.

For clarity, you are not praying for the RESULTS of the surgery to be good, or the for patient to RECOVER well... you are actually praying for the doctors to do a good job DURING the 5:30AM surgery, which is already over, and in the PAST by 5.5 hours.

2. I am not about to tell you what to do in your prayer life... you can certainly do whatever you like.

3. I can however point out biblical doctrine, and logic, for the other readers here.

4. There is NO biblical support that we can pray for PAST EVENTS.

5. Praying for PAST EVENTS, in order to CHANGE THEM, is NOT IN THE BIBLE.

6. If we were to get into the biblical doctrine, or the philosophy, which regards this kind of thing, it is all about God INTENTIONALLY CREATING and INTENTIONALLY PLACING US into LINEAR TIME.

The creation of linear time, and the act of placing us into linear time, were INTENTIONAL ACTS OF GOD.

7. In the same way God did not place you into a different model of space (like living in 12 spatial dimensions) God also did not place you into a different model of time.

God placed you into THIS model of space, and THIS model of time.

He placed you into a linear, temporal time for his reasons, and his purposes.

8. Nowhere in the Bible does God say you can BREAK OUT OF this model of TIME.

According to scripture, you are STUCK in this model of time, and there is no way to break out of it.

There is not even a way for your PRAYERS to break out of it.

You, your prayers, and everything you do, and everyone you know... are all STUCK in this model of linear time.

God made it this way.

He made it this way for his purposes.

9. Nowhere does God say you can pray for past events, and your prayer will effect them.

That's not in the bible.

It doesn't matter what TERMS you use, or what PHILOSOPHICAL EXPLANATION you use... it simply IS NOT IN THE BIBLE.

It's not in there.

YOU have no effect over the past.


10. If you COULD pray for past events, and that would effect them, then almost nothing in life would be either REAL, or FINAL.... you could even pray people BACK OUT OF HELL... if retroactive prayer were possible.

The bible says man dies once, and then the judgment.
But if your version of retroactive prayer were possible in God's eyes... then we could very justly expect to pray people back out of hell after they've died.

Philosophically... if you could change the past, that would be to UNDO CAUSALITY.
This would undermine, and undo, the very fabric of existence.

If praying for past events could effect them, because God looks into the future, from the past, and sees our future prayers, and answers our future prayers back in the past... we'd have to apply this logic to EVERYTHING... and we'd quickly see it undoes all of scripture. It simply breaks everything in scripture.

- You could pray people back out of hell after they'd died.
- You could pray for that accident you had 20 years ago... that God would go back and undo it.
- We could all pray for our past relationships... that God would go back and keep our spouses from divorcing us, or boyfriends and girlfriends from breaking up.
- You could even go back and pray for your college transcripts... that God would make us study harder for that test 20 years ago, and change our grades.


* YOU certainly have the freedom to do whatever you like in your own prayer life.

* But if you're going to propose it here publicly, and it's something unbiblical, then I also have the freedom to examine it, and show how it doesn't fit with the bible.
Sometimes you answer as if I was yelling at you. I suspect sometimes I answer you and you think I'm doing the same. (And I remember one time that was true, so not like you'd be wrong every time.) But, I'm going to assume now you got all passionate about this, rather than you're yelling at me.

Let me answer according to why I picked a 5:30 start for that surgery and why I ended up praying "too late." Then maybe you can see where I'm coming from, (because truthfully, I do think it's silly to pray for a dead person.)

30 days after hubby had his heart attack he was finally at the place where they could check what damage was done during the heart attack. (Too unstable until then.) And they found out he blew out a valve so hard, he even blew out the muscles that held that valve too his heart. The heart only has three valves, so blowing one out has to be scary. And they told me they would replace it "first thing in the morning."

I've had surgery on occasion. I've known enough other people to have surgery in the morning that I assumed they meant somewhere between 7:30-10 AM. That particular surgery made me nervous for obvious reasons. I could work myself into a good panic attack or deal with it the best I could. The second choice seemed the obvious way to go, so, I did what most people do the day before Christmas Eve -- went shopping for Christmas dinner. Of course I was praying. I don't recall when I wasn't praying that whole month, but some prayers are bigger than others -- more urgent. Shopping intentionally stopped me from being overwhelmed in my thoughts and prayers. But I was praying when I thought he was having surgery. And I came home and urgently prayed. 9 AM!

And I didn't really ask how long the surgery would be, so I kept praying until 10. Of course I prayed for the doctor's skills, and for the outcome I wanted. I also prayed for God's will in that. Hubby is the only other person I know, for certain, is going home when he dies. He will spend his eternity with God, so really didn't have to pray for his salvation.

But, he was in ICU before surgery and would be going back to ICU afterward. And in ICU the nurses are so busy (and they really are. As far as I could tell, their version of lunch was shove-food-down-as-quickly-as-possible), that they only have two patients each. And John's nurse that day was super busy with her other patient when I called, (or so I was told), so didn't get back to me for an hour. So I prayed some more.

She got back to me at 11:30 and told me he went down for the operation at 5:30 and was back before I had parked to car to go shopping. (He was why she was super busy.) Did God ignore me, because I didn't pray at the right time? I've no doubt I'm living at this particular time, and can't go back. I think that's a good thing, because I don't want to go back. I wasn't the only one praying for John, but those prayers joined as a symphony of prayer to God at the "right time." God didn't give me the "your wrong" buzzer for praying at the wrong time because he's not stuck in time.

Is that biblical? It's not not-biblical. You keep telling me your logic is straight from the Bible. It really isn't. The Bible doesn't say a thing about not praying after the fact. It doesn't say a thing about praying after the fact either. Nothing in there about either choice, anymore than it goes into great details about proper technique on vineyard husbandry.

To pray that Judas wouldn't betray Jesus is dumb? Very dumb. Obviously it was God's will that Judas do just that, so that's asking God to stop being God. DUMB! To pray that God gave Judas mercy at the very end -- that moment between jumping to kill himself and the moment he splattered across the ground? Questionable, but that's not the same as saying it's unbiblical. The Bible doesn't tell us the answer to that one.

Given my Dad is in Stage 3 dementia (no more able to logic out anything, or even to talk anymore), and he wasn't saved before this point, it has become personal to me to think God can still save him. And I will keep praying for that until Dad dies. THAT is how I'm stuck in time, and grateful that God is not. I am, very much, still praying for God's will in this one, but got to say, it's not like God doesn't know my will.

I am a wife in a good Christian marriage. I really get hubby is the final say for the big decisions in life. I also get what it is to be the bride of him, like Jesus' bride is the church. Jesus will do what is best, but he hears what my will is and takes that into account as he works his will in all situations. That's not to say I get what I want every time, but he sure knows how to work it out to his plan in ways I can't conceive other that it's for my best and his glory. My husband tries to do what is best for me. God always does what is best for all his people to his glory. THAT is biblical.


*** greetings from Texas*** respect your views, but I believe God gives everyone free will to choose their path*** no one is predestined for Salvation without their decision which involves free will***God Bless...

The salvation dynamic is not one dimensional.

We are offered what was already provided 2000 years ago.

We are both chosen and we choose.

It is not one or the other.

It is both.

Anyone coming is also chosen.


Well, welcome to CF. Please continue to study, no one has free will who is lost; John 8:35, and it is actually God who chooses; 2:13-15; not mans; John 1:13; Romans 9:11ff; James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:1-5 &c. :)
Free will is the ability to choose.

If you are chosen without "choice" he would be forcing you into his table.

No,we choose,and YET are chosen.

All are chosen,few choose.


God doesn't predestine some people for hell and others for heaven as if they have no choice. That's nonsense and a clear mis-understanding of what predestination means.

God commands all people to repent and believe in the gospel. He would be breaking His own words to now say - "NO, you can't be included. - I didn't mean you - you have to go to hell."

To say this is true means IMO - we have no understanding of the "why" of the gospel in the first place and do not know the character of our loving Father yet like we will in the future.

All people are included in Christ's work on the cross - just like we were included in what Adam did. Now we can choose when we hear the message of Christ to receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.

Romans 5:17-19 (NASB)
[SUP]17 [/SUP] For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

[SUP]18 [/SUP] So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnationto all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men.

[SUP]19 [/SUP] For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.

For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21 & Romans 10:13
To think that is the nonsense.

Does God predestine? If you say no, then you miss the Bible entirely.

If you say yes, then there is the obvious question -- is God so inept or feeble that he can only "try" to save as many as he can and the rest are just outside of his range or mind? Or does he only predestine some but couldn't quite accomplish what he wanted with the others?

Who is God to you -- some willy-nilly inept dude who tries but doesn't quite make it? Not much of a god.

Is he THE God who always gets what he wills?

Well, if he is that God, then apparently he doesn't will some to him, so, yeah, it is "double-predestination." (Which is a false phrase to use, since he predestines everyone and everything into his sovereign will, even if that will makes for some idiot called "the Pharaoh" or some idiot named "Pontius Pilate.") ALL things work to the good of those who are called to him has the obvious opposite consequences for all things not called to him.

God is completely sovereign whether you will him to be or not.
Dec 28, 2016
To think that is the nonsense.

Does God predestine? If you say no, then you miss the Bible entirely.

If you say yes, then there is the obvious question -- is God so inept or feeble that he can only "try" to save as many as he can and the rest are just outside of his range or mind? Or does he only predestine some but couldn't quite accomplish what he wanted with the others?

Who is God to you -- some willy-nilly inept dude who tries but doesn't quite make it? Not much of a god.

Is he THE God who always gets what he wills?

Well, if he is that God, then apparently he doesn't will some to him, so, yeah, it is "double-predestination." (Which is a false phrase to use, since he predestines everyone and everything into his sovereign will, even if that will makes for some idiot called "the Pharaoh" or some idiot named "Pontius Pilate.") ALL things work to the good of those who are called to him has the obvious opposite consequences for all things not called to him.

God is completely sovereign whether you will him to be or not.
Sister, it always comes down to these things: 1) That if (since really) God chooses Sovereignly (and thank His Name that He does!) that it makes God 'unfair'; 2) We then see the persons replying against God; Romans 9:20; 3) Then comes the pitting of Scripture against Scripture, eisegetical interpretations, and reading of tradition into the Word; 4) They will not allow Scripture to correct them, Scripture that refutes their position readily.

For the record I used to hold to those same errors, then God did His work; 1 Corinthians 2:10ff.

By the way, I am amazed at the hugeness of God after coming to the Doctrines of Grace! :)


What you just said goes directly against Jesus' teachings. Not only that, but God answering yes to someone's prayer does not violate anyone's free will. That simply does not make sense.

And as far as being an open theist, I never heard the term before so I had to look it up, and it basically describes my views.
Open theism is to Christianity what liberalism is to conservatism. If you are an open theist, you aren't a Christian. The God of the bible truly is omniscient in that he holds all knowledge in his head at once, therefore most certainly knows what you will choose today, and in the future. AND he is NOT conferring with you for a joint decision.

However, now I understand why you've always hit me as off from being a Christian.
Nov 22, 2015
God wills that everyone should be saved. Will everyone be saved? I believe the scriptures are very clear that not all people choose to believe in Christ's work for them.

God would not be God if He violated His love and He doesn't predestine people to go to hell and choose hell for them. That is a mis-understanding and a complete violation of the whole "why" of the gospel in the first place. "Why" did our loving Father send Jesus His Son to redeem man-kind in the first place. Get that answer right and you will see that God does not predestine certain people apart from their will to go to hell.

But people are free to believe whatever they want on some subjects ( Not the deity and work of Christ for salvation ). People could believe that Daffy Duck and Donald Duck are the 2 witnesses in the book of Revelation if they want. It does say something about "birds" in the book...;)
Feb 5, 2017
God is all-knowing, even if something has not existed yet. Depends on your perception of time when it comes to that one. Maybe future present and past are one in a sense.

Sometimes you know things without your own reasoning. I believe that is God talking to you, and all you need is faith to move mountains, which you could not have foreseen from any reasoning and calculation of your mind.
Feb 5, 2017
Some people are robots who see God as some kind of robot too.

This is what happens when love is crushed out of people, and they don't cope well.

They replace the basic idea that God is Love, so that they can make God's laws anything but to do with the painful subject of love. However love is the law above all the others.

I guess some people find it easier to love an inanimate object or a non-sentient being, because it is a reflection of what they have become.

God wills that everyone should be saved. Will everyone be saved? I believe the scriptures are very clear that not all people choose to believe in Christ's work for them.

God would not be God if He violated His love and He doesn't predestine people to go to hell and choose hell for them. That is a mis-understanding and a complete violation of the whole "why" of the gospel in the first place. "Why" did our loving Father send Jesus His Son to redeem man-kind in the first place. Get that answer right and you will see that God does not predestine certain people apart from their will to go to hell.

But people are free to believe whatever they want on some subjects ( Not the deity and work of Christ for salvation ). People could believe that Daffy Duck and Donald Duck are the 2 witnesses in the book of Revelation if they want. It does say something about "birds" in the book...;)


​Humm open theism holds that God does not know the future,I dont believe this. Nor do I believe in pre-destination. Im not sure which boat that leaves me in. :p
Wesleyan. (It just sounds nicer than Arminian. lol)

Your boat gets you to God. My boat gets me to God. Utah's boat does not.