another lordship salvation proponent
you must be willing to die in order to be saved
Jesus' death was not enough
go around with that mentality long enough and you betcha everyone else will look like an evil sinner
focusing on the negative daily
says Mr Lawson:
Steve Lawson, another proponent of Lordship salvation, says it this way:
If you want to receive this gift it will cost you the total commitment of all that you are to the Lord Jesus Christ. There are many here who think they are saved, but are not; they have never really done business with God….I want to single you out in the midst of the crowd. Have you taken up a cross in order to follow after Christ? Have you recognized your own sinfulness, acknowledged that God’s judgment is true, have you acknowledged Christ’s right to rule your life? Have you submitted to the Lordship of Christ? Have you really come to the end of yourself? Because Jesus does not begin until you end.” (The Cost of Discipleship, It Will Cost You Everything, Resolved Conference, Feb. 2007)
if you want to receive the GIFT of salvation it will cost you?
anybody else see somewhat of a contradictory statement there?
for the record, I am well aware of myself without Jesus. which is why I trust in Jesus
if he wants me to die for Him, he will give me the grace to do so
that is how it really works.
at this time, that may not be such an impossible occurrence either
forget about whatsoever things are lovely. that's for people with itching ears