well all misspellings and punctuations aside angela my point was simply you can have as many kids as you and your spouse can manage to take care of with love but as well to not think that God will just simply give you what you need for them if you don't put forth your best effort to provide for them first because as I said God will give the increase of what you need for your children as well as you and your spouse but you simply have to do your part too,too many people nowadays think that they can have a kid and that someone should take care of them instead of themselves and that they don't have to be responsible and it's not only foolish it's sickening,just saying love is what matters not how many children you have,for if you love them all then there is no problem,but if you hate them all,as in you don't do your best to take care of them,then there is a problem because you are headed for trouble for in the bible it is written about children"if any should offend these it would be better that a mill stone be cast about their neck and thrown into the sea" telling basically that God doesn't want anyone to spiritually destroy any child,for once again they don't ask to be born so they certainly can't be a burden and if you do wrong by a child God is very protective and it's best to think through what you have done or are about to do because having children is not some simple path to take,it's just the same as your choice in serving God,in both you are either "All in" or "Not at all" you can't shrug it off and think ok I tried it out,now I can back out and resume my old life...Nope,totally incorrect,Not gonna happen,because something as important as "A Life" does matter,the ultimate answer to how many children is enough in truth is simply answered with ironically this question,"how many do you have room in your heart to care for? not how many can anyone suggest is the right amount because it's just like a spouse,particularly for men the bible says that he can have two wives one favored,the other hated because he can't truely love both because his love is divided,so think on it you already share love with your spouse,so next deliberate on how many children you feel you can share your love with for if you can't equally share your love with all your children then one will be left out as hated by you and it's best for you to not let such a thing happen because then you may lose that "one" all together so open your heart not just your mind and figure out how many children to have is best for yourself alongside your spouse because it is not impossible to have your desired amount of children,"for with God all things are possible" and the holy spirit can help you find your answer.