Hello everyone,
I'm new to this forum, so forgive me if my dilemma has been addressed before.
My husband and I are both Christians and have been married for 1 1/2 years. We each have two grown children living a good distance from us. Just like every other male and female, we have different ways of communicating. I'm the type who wears my feelings on my shoulders and I speak my mind most of the time, a lot of times in a critical and complaining fashion, not toward him, but just in general. My husband keeps his thoughts to himself when I've upset him and they come spilling out about every 2 to 3 weeks in a hurtful way with anger, shouting, tone and his tearing me down to the point I shut down emotionally. We end up just existing in the same house; he staying stubborn to acknowledge his outburst (even with me trying to talk to him about it) and me staying quiet and hurt.
The last time this happened, we literally had no meaningful conversation for 2 weeks; we didn't eat together, sleep together or go anywhere together. I eventually had to leave town to visit relatives and get away from the tension. Then, and only then, did he soften and begin talking to me. I've made mistakes in our relationship in the past for which he says he has forgiven me, but he continues to remind me of them when he has his outbursts.
It happened again today and I was reamed through the coals with insults on my character. I have talked to my pastor, thought about going to counseling, and asked him to go to counseling to no avail. I'm sure there is so much I'm leaving out but I need advice on practical things I might do.
I moved to his little town of around 300 people when we got married and it's been very hard to make friends and my friends are 100s of miles away. Any helpful suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hello ali.. - It is nice to meet you. So the marriage is still fresh, and you are both Christians is that correct?And you have been frustrated with how he is interacting with you - right? Ok, well life is settling in with you two, and so is Christ in relationship to both of your interactions. We see in life how afflictions causes us to grow in our Character in Christ right? So, let's look at this opportunistically and ask God to bless your marriage with endurance in the life of Christ for your marriage sake saying, "Not our will, but Thy will be done!" - right?! You have been asking and seeking and knocking thru prayer I would imagine as a Christian. Since I haven't had the privilege of knowing you up until now, can I ask a few questions?....
If you have a Bible or app Where do you see YOUR emotions fitting in with that which is your life - (that being the spirits emotions over your fleshes emotions)? According to (Col. 3:5); and (Romans 8:13) do you feel there is any room to align with God differently in relationship to your marriage?
When you say you wear your feelings on your shoulders (or wear them on your sleeve - Smile, however you might word that) and say you don't hold back whatever is on your mind, and refer to it as a type of person you are, is this a right of passage as a Christian crossing over from death to life do you think? What do we learn according to (James 1:19)?
You have discerned his cycle of behavior ending in how it hurts you. According to (Mark 12:31); (John 13:34); and (Phil. 2:3) - have you considered discerning his needs to love him and respect him versus righting him; seeing that in so doing you would be acting on behalf of yourself? (Of course he should do the same, but that is not your jurisdiction to consider only God's and his).Yet, your unconditional love will impact him towards that end, as well as Scripture, and his spirit, and godly counsel.
Is our choice to choose the Lord as our answer to our marriages? Or, do we choose to make our spouse the problem needing to be fixed? Just a question based on the Scriptures inputs is all. Is (Proverbs 3:5-6) as much of an answer to you as friends who can relate to your pain, or counsel which can elevate his problems, giving grounds in fixing him thereby fixing your life? That road won't fix anything. If you have a pulse you can fall in love with each other, but to stay in love with one another takes a plan, and God gives us one in Scripture. There are more Scriptures I won't take your time up with at this time, but if you want to talk later, I can do that and discuss more.
Consider this too, It sounds like he is waiting to communicate when he gets a chance too, are you listening without prejudice? Blank slated and just there to see what he has to say, in love? I know, its hard at some junctures and I don't know him, but have you considered that he
has forgiven you for past discretions, but that this is what he has chosen to do to get in a word in the right and wrong arguments? Again, I can't know the whole situation as such.But, a thought.
Successful marriages are about choosing to love the other more than themselves biblically, not righting the others wrong using Scripture to evidence your rights and their wrongs.. Nor is it selfless love if we only did love them (which we want to do) if only they did this or that. It is unconditional (Agape) love Christ would have you abandon yourself to. pray that God's Supernatural support comes in helping you, as you, love him as yourself and beyond yourself in Christ; never out of vain conceit loving him in giving him your respect as he loves you like Jesus loved the Church and gave himself up for it..
This is when marriages find the night air rocking chairs on the porch with both of you still in love. My suggestion is to chose to love more than find an answer to help your pain. Think less in what you think is the best answer, remembering he has an opinion on that too, but both of you submit to Christ for in doing that your pain (and his) will subside, and communications will grow stronger. As you find yourself remaining in love in reality, without any pretense. I hope this is helpful, I will pray for you and for your husband. May God richly bless your marriage! ~Dan~