Jesus hung around the lost and sinners dude. Besides there would be section for that on the forum and only one for what I am talking about. You're just wrong period.
Oh almighty wise one. So infallible. Thank you, in your great wisdom and giant ego for opening my eyes to You being right and feeble little me knowing nothing.
Silly me I thought Jesus said "go into the world " not "thou shalt create non-christians sections in your Christian fellowship forum to the world".
Arrogant tool can bark your oversized ego all you want. But the site owner has already knocked this idea down multiple times because when he created His Site with His Purpose for it, that was not the intent of the site. So how you think you're so superior in your pride that you know better is amazing. Don't see God directing you to make a site and how to run it, but obviously Robo did. So bark all you want angry puppy.
GO INTO INTO INTO ALL THE WORLD. Verse says go into the world to preach, not being the world to your doorstep.
Churches have been doing that for years. Now there are churches full of ignorant Christians, non-christians, fake Christians and baby formula messages. We invited the world to church and they took it over. So why not continue tgat trend here? Hmm. Great thinking.
Great job, by the way, of arguing with people who can't do anything about it and being so egotistical. Is this "I'm right, you're wrong, because I said so" attitude the same one you use to minister?
GO make your own site and quit throwing a tantrum because this one won't give you your way.