In middle school I once said Im a christian and the boy nex to me thought it was funny. He used to bully me anyways so I didnt pay much attention. 2,5 years back when I started to date my boyfriend I told him that I want to wait for marriage. He was okay with that and I was so relieved. At that time I had a bestfriend, a boy, and I told him about it because we shared a lot like best friends do. Then this one night his friend “stole” his phone and red our conversations. Of course then everybody heard about it. I was shocked that people disagree that so much. They kinda bullied me about it, mostly like calling me prude and old fashioned on, also on my boyfriends. Well them later he explained that it was just a joke but it wasnt for me. We’ no longer friends and today my sister asked about this. So I told her. Then later we were at our grandmas and she told her that shes moving in with her boyfriend. I told I rather get married first. She started questioning me and like almost was mad and then I said “I dont care what others do. I wanna do this God’s way”. She said it’s ridiculous to get married that young. We had a little fight about it and in the end she said “I no longer wonder why they called you names, because thats what you are”
Hearing this from your big sister is terrible. Ive always wanted to be like her but not on this case. I cant believe that even she doesn’t respect my commitment to this. Im just so sad that people like me get bullied and lose friends just because they live righteously. Im not ashamed, Im proud.
Hearing this from your big sister is terrible. Ive always wanted to be like her but not on this case. I cant believe that even she doesn’t respect my commitment to this. Im just so sad that people like me get bullied and lose friends just because they live righteously. Im not ashamed, Im proud.