Well let us see. Helen Keller made history as a mute. HRC, though I am no fan of the woman, did too.
There's really no excuse to eradicate history. It was made and helped form the present and the future in this nation. However, when the civil war started to come under attack and war memorials commemorating the sacrifice of men and women who were both black and white , because of some idea of appeasement in the present so as to eradicate what did occur in the past.
And that helped set a people free that today protest the very war that accomplished that being identified in statuary at all, while a battle flag was the first causality of that same war, it was just a matter of time before the wipe out of selective past truth went even further.
A nation is defined by its history. Good or bad, it is what transpired. And lives were lived and were lost in the making of it. Whatever nation to whom we refer. Somehow that beacon on the hill, that great experiment, was forgotten. That too is a history that many don't recall when those terms today are applied.
Children, at least in the future Texas, those who will grow up, grow older, and be the one's who carve out our future as politicians, law makers, leaders, teachers, counselors, and more, shall arrive some time in this 21st century totally unaware of the accomplishments, the role-model, that Helen Keller was and remains. Not just for those with disabilities but for all people who doubt their capacity to achieve when they are blessed to have all their senses.
Helen Keller
was blind and deaf. However, she wasn't disabled. She was differently abled than her contemporaries. And she was and remains an example of what can be overcome when someone cannot see this world nor hear it alive and active around her. Someone who could not speak as we do did not know the words, I can't because I am deaf and blind.
In a time when transvestites lead story hour in a government school before very young children, the greater relevance for contemporary curriculum should not conflate tolerance with censorship. As if each are in competition and one must die so that the other may thrive.
And HRC, as loathe as she is as an individual with no morals, is too that role model in that she, in a world that in some places to this day think women are less than and ill equipped for certain services solely due to our sex, made history in her own right. As the first presidential candidate. Right after the history was made for the first black male elected into the highest office. His history in that trusted post is deplorable. However, for the same reason he was not impeached out of office or arrested for treason or sedition at the very least, the charge or racism that would follow, he shall not be edited from our history books in any wise. Not even in Texas.
When a people obscure their true history for the sake of any excuse proffered, they damn their future. Because they are let to forget where they came from, and how they arrived surviving as a people.
There is no excuse to forget the past. Without it , every bit of it, the USA would not exist. Or, maybe deep down that's the point.
Only the future will tell.
If it is allowed to speak the truth.