I can understand your apprehension, or shyness, as much as I also understand your despising "mockers, scoffers, legalists, and pharisees!" As well, as any "man of God", should wont in doing! And, indeed, it is "traditions of man", that makes void the Word of God!
As you have witnessed with your own eyes in this particular forum? Is that, unlike many Christian (I use the term loosely) forums, and chat rooms? This particular forum? And, especially the "BDF?" Is quite open, and tolerant, in their (for lack of a better word) entertaining "angels", whether awares, or unawares!
As far as you having to constantly defend your testing the spirits? I get that! As well you should! I also understands, that, these Spiritual journey's, can, be like taking 5 steps forwards, and 4 7/8ths steps backwards.
But, as you say, you have needs in communicating that which has already taken place, before you can go even "deeper?" As what I "think" is going on is your communicating skills, in more of a terminology problem, in describing that which you have, and seemingly still are experiencing, from someone else using different terms, in describing the same thing/s, or experience! And, therefore come across as "sounding" foreign! Sometimes? QUITE foreign.
F'rinstance! "Grab me those there slip-jointed pliers yonder!" "Would ya?" "Ya mean those "channel locks" on the shelf?"
What I'm trying to say, I guess, is for the most part? You're in good company here! So just get it off yer chest, what these Angels/spirit/s/voices, or however these one/s are communicating with you, and SPIT IT OUT, man!
(an unpaid solicitation disclaimer)
Don't forget to "tip the waitresses!"
They work hard, and am sure, suffer their share of "persecution", for doing that which they do!

As you have witnessed with your own eyes in this particular forum? Is that, unlike many Christian (I use the term loosely) forums, and chat rooms? This particular forum? And, especially the "BDF?" Is quite open, and tolerant, in their (for lack of a better word) entertaining "angels", whether awares, or unawares!
As far as you having to constantly defend your testing the spirits? I get that! As well you should! I also understands, that, these Spiritual journey's, can, be like taking 5 steps forwards, and 4 7/8ths steps backwards.
But, as you say, you have needs in communicating that which has already taken place, before you can go even "deeper?" As what I "think" is going on is your communicating skills, in more of a terminology problem, in describing that which you have, and seemingly still are experiencing, from someone else using different terms, in describing the same thing/s, or experience! And, therefore come across as "sounding" foreign! Sometimes? QUITE foreign.
F'rinstance! "Grab me those there slip-jointed pliers yonder!" "Would ya?" "Ya mean those "channel locks" on the shelf?"
What I'm trying to say, I guess, is for the most part? You're in good company here! So just get it off yer chest, what these Angels/spirit/s/voices, or however these one/s are communicating with you, and SPIT IT OUT, man!
(an unpaid solicitation disclaimer)
Don't forget to "tip the waitresses!"
They work hard, and am sure, suffer their share of "persecution", for doing that which they do!