If you let them go as they please, the mall will eventually shut down. No one likes to feel threatened. I've seen it happen before. White people quit attending the mall. Stores start to lose money. But more and more blacks with hoodies and pants down to their knees keep walking around. Stores start closing. No body who planned on spending any money comes any more. The blacks with their low riding pants and hoodies stand around and wonder what is happened to the stores. No one can say anything, cause you're a racist if you do. So stores just quietly close up. Then the mall can't get no more stores to come in. And of course, no one knows why. And it closes down. Then the blacks are up in arms cause their mall has been taken away.
If it wern't so true, it would be funny. Cause and affect. Self defeating. Self destruction.
living in FL, there are plenty of dark skinned folks around
I am sure most are just as 'wonderful' as the light skinned people
however, it's not all about hoodies and low riders
the 2nd woman who barraged me with crazy false accusations was dressed to the hilt and shopping at Sears with her family. NUTZZZZ and obviously geared up to attack a white person from listening to the racist rants from certain black pastors. I say that because her husband let off they had come from church. really lady? change churches
I would just shrug off this stuff, but with Antifa and other violent thugs seeming to get away with whatever they want these days, and certifiable nutcases like Waters inflaming the flammable (those who do not seem able to think for themselves) you never know what ticks someone off or how bad they might get. some of them seem to think they have the right to physically assault anyone they wish. in my case I walked away