Aaron, God sees you. He sees you looking for Him. He saw me, too.
I was 25 years old, and began to realize life had no meaning because I eventually die so, what a waste. Why do anything? What's the purpose? Then, I thought.................life only has purpose IF there is a God. So, I knelt by my bed and asked, "God, if You are real, I want to know You. Help me to know You, please don't let me miss You."
Then, I went to bed. It was now up to God to answer. I was invited to a bible study and they had printed handouts that had a typo, every time they meant to type "Israel" they instead had typed "Isreal." LOL!
Somehow, that "Isreal" hit my spirit and I knew God is real! I started reading the Bible with my friend next door. We were smoking cigs and drinking trying to read the Bible! LOL! Ya know what, God started giving us understanding of His Word - the Bible. We sobered up over time and even stopped smoking. lol!
There's more to the story but, just know this......................God sees you and loves you! He wants you to know Him and He will make Himself known to you, just seek Him with ALL your heart. May God bless you with Himself!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Hear the cry of Aaron's heart. He seeks truth because he is seeking evidence. He doesn't want to believe a lie. Only You can provide the evidence he really needs........................the faith that is the evidence of things not seen and the substance of things hoped for. Help him Father, send Your Word and Your Spirit, in the Name of Yeshua/Jesus, amen. Thank You Father.
Aaron, here's a simple prayer for you......
"God, if You're real, I want to know You. I seek You with ALL my heart, help me find You. Amen."