Jesus (which is not just a name, but the Name above all names), defines Himself as Truth, and the only way to the Father (God). The Truth you are seeking is found in Him. Our faith is personal, and placed in the Person of Jesus Christ. It reaches into every aspect of our lives and transforms us from the inside out, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. We are exhorted to steep ourselves in His revealed written Word, to read it and meditate upon it daily, and seek after Him and His ways continually. Religion as a word can be understood or defined multiple ways (some even call atheism a religion
). Generally speaking, it is seen as a means of behaving in ways that seek to please God as we understand Him. Much of what is seen as organized religion has rituals and rites and pomp and ceremony attached to it. Is this wrong? It depends. Do they teach Biblical truths? Do they place the traditions of man above the revealed Written Word of God? Is the focus of the gathering of the corporate body for the purpose of praising and worshiping God, and studying His revealed written Word together, to encourage one another, to make ourselves available to serve others, that we may uphold in other through our trials and tribulations in life, and share our joys and triumphs in Him?
From there it is possible to discuss, what understanding of God makes sense, and thereby what to follow. And here we see it differently