Yoga is Dangerous to Christianity

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Jun 15, 2020
Yeah, debates on here aren't friendly. I've witnessed some of the same people arguing the same topics for years, with neither budging.
Not disagreeing with you, just giving you a heads up on what to expect from someone that's been here 9 years.
Yes, that is why I stopped posting here for awhile. I try to be selective in who and what I respond to now and look for those who show the Fruit of the Spirit and stick to mainstream Christian teaching and not bizarre speculations.
Jun 15, 2020
I agree with the spirit of what you're saying, but I think there is no reason to abstain from body movements in the context of exercise.

God gave us these bodies to glorify him with. To place restrictions on ourselves because non-Christian practices have appropriated those movements as part of their identity is for us to cede ground that rightfully belongs to us.

It's like saying we can't fly a rainbow flag on our front porch because it gives the wrong impression that we are in support of pro-LGBT agendas, when in reality we support God's promise that he won't use water to flood the earth again. Being in agreement with God is good - the optics of man are irrelevant.

Therefore, if I have the freedom to stretch and pose then I will do so with a good conscience. We cannot help it that people who use things for purposes that are in opposition to God's good design do what they do. You should follow your conscience and if you feel right to not do yoga then don't do it. Meanwhile, the freedom is there to stretch, pose, and exercise for those who want to.
Thx for an excellent post.

Galatians gives us a warning about the dangers of legalism and the enslavement it brings to those who follow it.


Oct 8, 2019
all I know is stretching feels fantastic and helps get rid of the (major plaque... stress)
say, some Bible Verses as you stretch.... oh!

do not forget...

to breath!

reminds me of Be Still and know I am God...

Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

Psalm 46:10
Jul 27, 2020
Did you know that Yoga is a form of self idolatry? As it grows in popularity, I see it getting traction in churches around me. Pagan spirituality is influencing our culture and Yoga is a grievance to the Holy Spirit, and a transgression of Gods will.
This may take you aback, but I encourage you to withhold judgement. The reason it is called Yoga Practice is because it is a spiritual practice with a goal that is to bring you into unity with Brahmin. The impersonal divine force and consciousness that makes up everything in creation. The word Yoga means union and refers to a union of your individual consciousness with a universal consciousness. Or a goal in a state of union with the divine. For more info, I recommend watching
Amen! I definitely agree! Do you think the many gods In Hindu are like the fallen angels or also like the Greek gods Like: Zeus and Poseidon etc
Jul 4, 2020
Amen! I definitely agree! Do you think the many gods In Hindu are like the fallen angels or also like the Greek gods Like: Zeus and Poseidon etc
Yes I do! I believe since the fall happened before humans, they were able to set up traps and understand how to attract all walks of life into different views that oppose the one true God.
Jul 27, 2020
Yes I do! I believe since the fall happened before humans, they were able to set up traps and understand how to attract all walks of life into different views that oppose the one true God.
Wow it’s so crazy the evil in this world and how many people are oblivious to the things they do or are even worshipping without there knowledge. GOD bless you for sharing that knowledge 👍🏽👍🏽
Jul 27, 2020
Wow it’s so crazy the evil in this world and how many people are oblivious to the things they do or are even worshipping without there knowledge. GOD bless you for sharing that knowledge 👍🏽👍🏽
And I agree with you! That makes so much sense


Jul 29, 2020
Heaven Bound
Did you know that Yoga is a form of self idolatry? As it grows in popularity, I see it getting traction in churches around me. Pagan spirituality is influencing our culture and Yoga is a grievance to the Holy Spirit, and a transgression of Gods will.
This may take you aback, but I encourage you to withhold judgement. The reason it is called Yoga Practice is because it is a spiritual practice with a goal that is to bring you into unity with Brahmin. The impersonal divine force and consciousness that makes up everything in creation. The word Yoga means union and refers to a union of your individual consciousness with a universal consciousness. Or a goal in a state of union with the divine. For more info, I recommend watching
Sara, I want to thank you for being so courageous to bring this topic up in this Forum. I am still new here, but this is one of many topics that I have worked to educate and warn Christians about for several years now. To share a little bit, I have been around the block on this issue and have traced its roots directly into the inner-circles of the Illuminati. I can tell you without any exaggeration that Yoga is the express worship of the Devil. In fact, there is a video somewhere on YouTube, that the Luciferiens/Satanists published for the purpose of telling the lower levels of their deceived, the New Agers, to know that it was from them, and fully entailed with multiple manners of blasphemies upon blasphemies. I will spare you and other readers of those details. In recent years, I was delighted to learn of Steven Bancarz testimony and work toward exposing the evils of Yoga. Furthermore, there are a wonderful number of Ex-Witches, now following our Lord Jesus Christ, working toward that same goal; to warn and to educate as many people as possible about the dangers of Yoga, and how it is designed for the inviting in of devils for possession, of which, the Satanists/Witches attribute for their "special powers". This dangerous Satanic practice was brought into many Churches because many have ran greedily after the wages of Balaam, true to the passages of 2Peter 2-3 and Jude, and with the bringing in of this damnable heresy, they have wrought to "turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness". Somewhere in Florida, I learned that there is a Baptist Church that has set up three images of idols in their entrance; one of Buddha, the other of Confucius, and the third being of their false Jesus, with a declaration that they teach "all three religions". 2Corinthians 6:14-18 and 2Corinthians 11 along with 1John 2, 4 refute that evil. Today, on T.B.N. we hear from the likes of Irwin Baxter and others that "all religions worship the same god" <<< That is a lie straight from the pits of hell, and that is their end game goal to unite all world religions which will ultimately lead to the Great Tribulation, where we know from reading Revelation, that many will worship and take the mark of the beast. You may also find it a help to know that all of this is headed up by Pope Francis with the group called C.O.E.X.I.S.T. and he is on record with his blasphemous decree that "all religions worship the same god". Just prior to the C-19 'outbreak', the Vatican set up the image of the idol of Molech. Acts 15:19-29 and 2Corinthians 6:14-18 rebuke that blasphemy, and once again, it makes them evident of "turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness" per Jude 1:4 Pope Francis has also been photographed and videoed holding the image of the idol of Buddha, as well as participating in receiving "Buddhist blessings". These blasphemous acts are directly related to and pertain specifically to the doctrine of Balaam.

Last but not least, P.B.S. has featured numerous "programs" featuring different antichrist religions, including those of Hindus and Buddhists daily practicing Yoga from dawn until night in worship of the sun.

I have yet to touch on the subject of Freemasonry, but Freemasonry consists of the lower ranks of the Illuminati. Long story short, in Mason/Luciferien/Satanists Albert Pike's book, Morals and Dogma, he teaches all religions; wrote in one specific area of their goal to unite all religions into prayer to Baal (which is another name for Satan), and in another area he wrote about how they would go about reshaping society to conform it to the "Tower of Babel", blah blah, using their famous tools, the square and the compass. Something else, I would like to share, is that in the back of the "Masonic Bible", there are drawings of "Ra" the sun god". There is a lot of expounding that can be done on this, but that is representative of the Antichrist. Again, that is their end game goal.


Junior Member
Apr 7, 2017
Did you know that Yoga is a form of self idolatry? As it grows in popularity, I see it getting traction in churches around me. Pagan spirituality is influencing our culture and Yoga is a grievance to the Holy Spirit, and a transgression of Gods will.
This may take you aback, but I encourage you to withhold judgement. The reason it is called Yoga Practice is because it is a spiritual practice with a goal that is to bring you into unity with Brahmin. The impersonal divine force and consciousness that makes up everything in creation. The word Yoga means union and refers to a union of your individual consciousness with a universal consciousness. Or a goal in a state of union with the divine. For more info, I recommend watching

Agree with you completely. But I do think simple stretching in ones home is not going to do any harm so long as their focus is on Yahweh.

The specific culture and art of Yoga should be avoided. If you can borrow from it, why not, but yes I see what you are saying, it's the culture that comes along with it.


Aug 16, 2019
Yoga is a type of physical exercise which itself would not be evil, however it comes with strange teachings and doctrines connected to spiritualism which makes it evil and dangerous to Christians. If you want to exercise watch simple videos and invite the Lord.


Jul 29, 2020
Heaven Bound
Yoga is a type of physical exercise which itself would not be evil, however it comes with strange teachings and doctrines connected to spiritualism which makes it evil and dangerous to Christians. If you want to exercise watch simple videos and invite the Lord.
Do not be deceived, Yoga, including "simple excercise" is the express worship of Satan, and your post adequately reflects how the deception has been propagated. I already shared some information in a previous post. If you are a Believer, please accept the counsel from the Word of God, along with encouragement to repent of any form of Yoga, and denounce it. Yoga is of the deep things of Satan, a pollution of idols, as it is used in Hindu/Buddhist worship of the sun, and it is one of the abominations that has been unleashed by deceivers to cast a stumbling block to the Churches, thus turning grace into lasciviousness, and it's ultimate fulfillment will be when the temple is rebuilt and the Antichrist reigns. (See Ezekiel 8:16). Practice of Yoga, in any form, in committing adultery with Jezebel.

This is the commandment given unto the Gentiles. (Read full context of Acts 15:19-29)

Act 15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:
Act 15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.

Apostle Paul also gave this instruction:

2Co 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2Co 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
2Co 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Apostle Paul also made this clear:

1Co 10:19 What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing?
1Co 10:20 But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
1Co 10:21 Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.
1Co 10:22 Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?

The Lord Jesus Christ said;

Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
Rev 2:21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
Rev 2:22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
Rev 2:23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.
Rev 2:24 But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.
Rev 2:25 But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

Also see 2Peter 2-3, Jude, 1John, 2John, and 3John.

This is what "Yoga" is; the worship of the sun; the Devil, who is the "unclean thing"; facing the east, of which is what Hindus do as their dailey routine with their practice of this idolatry.

Eze 8:16 And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD'S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.


Yoga is a gateway to kundalini energy which is a gateway for demonic forces. Before you know it you start vortexing energy around your chakras and opening up for stuff one should better not.

It’s of the serpent. There are worse practices, yet it is putting the door ajar. Also notice how snakes and flutes are commonly represented as it are symbols of mind control.


Jul 29, 2020
Heaven Bound


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2020
Yeah, debates on here aren't friendly. I've witnessed some of the same people arguing the same topics for years, with neither budging.
Not disagreeing with you, just giving you a heads up on what to expect from someone that's been here 9 years.
Yes very this is what surprised me.I use be on here a few years ago only to rejoin again very recently.
Twice I have already had to deal with individuals who accused my comments and thread of things weren't even true.They just manipulated my word's without any evidence to support their claims which wasn't even say a simple mis interpretation.So I guess being firm and resilient is a good thing to have in an appropriate situation protects oneself when things get heated on here..💪💪💪💪
Yet there are great debates that are healthy and can even be eye opening too.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2020
Did you know that Yoga is a form of self idolatry? As it grows in popularity, I see it getting traction in churches around me. Pagan spirituality is influencing our culture and Yoga is a grievance to the Holy Spirit, and a transgression of Gods will.
This may take you aback, but I encourage you to withhold judgement. The reason it is called Yoga Practice is because it is a spiritual practice with a goal that is to bring you into unity with Brahmin. The impersonal divine force and consciousness that makes up everything in creation. The word Yoga means union and refers to a union of your individual consciousness with a universal consciousness. Or a goal in a state of union with the divine. For more info, I recommend watching
Thanks for this thread I have always felt uneasy with any other form spirituality,meditation connecting with another level of consciousness other than the Holy Spirit as mentioned in scripture.There are many spiritual dangers around which going we cannot see them they are most definatley there.
May God give us an increased awareness of spiritual truths.


From Wikipedia:
Sanskrit is an Indo-Aryan or Indic language of the ancient Indian subcontinent with a 3,500-year history. It is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism and the predominant language of most works of Hindu philosophy as well as some of the principal texts of Buddhism and Jainism.

The Sanskrit word for YOGA is YUJ which means " to yoke or join"

so, it bears asking:
when one participates in yoga, who or what are they yoking/joining themselves to?

(I'll give you a hint... it's NOT God Almighty)
Dec 23, 2019
I agree with the spirit of what you're saying, but...
While we are free in Christ, not everything is beneficial and not everything edifies (see 1 Corinthians 10:23).

The yoga discussion could be linked to the eating meat sacrificed to idols passages (See 1 Corinthians chapters 8 & 10). If one in good conscience can eat it, it might be permissible but they are not thinking of their brother and so should limit their freedom before causing a weaker brother to sin, thereby making themselves guilty as well. However, it says not to have the one who abstains nor the one who eats judge the other because God is the judge. If you disagree, you have a right to your own opinion. People that think it’s not a good practice are here to warn those that don’t know and would listen. In the end, whatever each person does, let them do it as for the Lord and not man.

I don’t think God would find it honoring to Him to be using the same practices when the Bible speaks so much against idolatry and not to bow down to idols nor to worship like the pagan nations, but that’s where people will distinguish between “worship” and “exercise.” Yet if it’s “just an exercise” then why can’t believers go and physically bow down in front of a statue? Why would God get mad if we could argue we’re “just stretching” our body in that position? What message would it send if we were to go and “stretch” in that way bowing our body in front of the statue of some other religion? Why would you have to stretch in that specific way at that specific location? You can stretch in any other way and anywhere else.

You’re right that the LGBT movement has wrongly appropriated God’s beautiful rainbow. I would agree that it does not mean we have lost the true meaning of it, God’s promise not to flood the world again after Noah. It’s a symbol of hope. I also enjoy pictures or art that includes rainbows as well as using the colors of the rainbow. Nothing wrong there. However, with the meat sacrificed to idols again, considering a fellow brother who may be newer in the faith or not as strong in our beliefs, to give the wrong message to them? There are Christians that support the LGBT movement and have rainbow flags hung up on their churches. I know what the Bible says though and I can’t have that on my conscience. We are to love people, but not their sins (and this is just one of many).

If you want to fly a rainbow flag on your porch and “take back” the rainbow, go for it but I wouldn’t want to convey the wrong message. It’d have to have something to distinguish it and even then it’d probably end up being like something you’d see on a bumper sticker and I don’t think it sounds particularly loving. To any outsider that is gay it would seem to be yet another rejection from Christians. They are welcome, but that doesn’t mean we support the lifestyle. Like we non-smokers would not encourage a smoker to go outside and finish their pack of cigarettes that is slowly killing them. Any sin is like that “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

I think people can use their own routines to stretch their bodies, but when you use the specific poses involved in yoga that the Hindus and occultists like Aleister Crowley use to worship other gods, you’re walking some perilous ground. Crowley promoted yoga and wrote “Eight Lectures on Yoga,” “The Magical Record of the Beast 666,” as well as other occult books. Google it and look at the symbolism and titles of his books that include the all-seeing-eye pyramid, eye of Horus, pentagrams….

One could argue well they appropriated the number 6, pyramids, eyes, the way they draw the stars etcetera. However, does that mean we as Christians have to skip the number 6 when we count? That we cannot use pyramids in math class? That we can never draw our stars like they draw pentagrams? That we can never use a single dollar bill because of the eye pyramid symbols on it? That we can’t cover one eye when we go to the eye doctor for an eye exam or do one for our driver’s license? No! But are we going to wear the occult symbols on our t-shirts and bumper stickers for the world to see and get the wrong idea that we support those things? I’ve seen people’s license plates randomly include three sixes and it seems random, but also ones on purpose that have like “BST666” or something like it in yellow and black that makes it clear they are putting it up either in support of the “beast” that is Satan or the ideas behind Satanism (e.g. “do as thou wilt”) even if they don’t believe in a literal Satan (there are 2 types of Satanists).

Why do you think yoga’s so popular today? Satan is the ruler of this world. If you read the Bible, the book of Revelation talks about a great falling away and many worshiping the antichrist. They’ll believe lying signs and wonders. They want one world religion worshiping the antichrist and for people to “unite” under this system.

If you still feel okay doing it then yes you can use your freedom in Christ to do it, but should you? What if your brother goes “further” down the path into occult, New Age, Hindu, or other beliefs and either synchronizes the beliefs or completely leaves the faith? Look up kundalini yoga and how they visualize serpents crawling up your spine and awakening your “third eye.” Some of those people literally get possessed. I wouldn’t want that on my conscience.

Again, not here to judge or criticize, but to warn and hopefully some people heed the warnings. It’s done out of love. If you want to continue practicing yoga, then all we can do is agree to disagree and pray for you and any other unwitting participants.
Dec 23, 2019
Thx for an excellent post....
You’re wise to be selective in who and what you engage with. The Bible does say to avoid vain arguments. It also talks of the wise sometimes being silent. However, I think this is an important topic while not necessarily a salvation topic (depends and therefore why I think it’s important). We’d probably differ in what you refer to as “bizarre speculations.” How do you know it’s speculation? Have you researched it yourself or does it seem bizarre because it’s a new or surprising idea? Most new things can be shocking and may seem bizarre at first. Seems like a normal human reaction, but I always like to think and ask why. If I didn’t question things, I’d still be Catholic.

Legalism involves thinking you have to obey the law and nobody can. If you break one part of the law, you’re guilty of breaking all of it. That’s why Jesus came as God’s the only one who could fulfill it. “Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath” (Colossians 2:16). And as Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.”

In those cases, again you can’t judge your neighbor for trivial things that are “shadows” of what’s to come. Jesus wasn’t going to listen to the Pharisees who said he couldn’t work because it was the Sabbath and so he went on and healed a man. Jesus may have dined with sinners but I didn’t see Jesus going into pagan temples to pray beside them. So why should we go to a yoga center to be yoked with other non-believers?

We are free to stretch and there are plenty of ways and places to do it. We are also free to dance and there are also many ways and places to do it. So as a Christian, can or should we do it in all ways and places? Or are there some ways and places we should avoid? Can we “dirty dance” like so many do nowadays? Grinding, twerking, gyrating, etcetera? I think the moves are way worse nowadays than the scandals Elvis caused at the time. Should we go dance at bars with drunk people around when drunkenness is also named as a sin in the Bible? You could argue that maybe you are not drunk but wouldn’t you be giving the wrong message to fellow believers who might then get drunk themselves?

Again, while things may be “permissible” that doesn’t mean we should do them. It would be legalistic to say nobody should dance ever nor enter a bar, but you’ve got to examine yourself. Like have you heard of Christian bikers that go around into bars not to drink but to evangelize? It’d be legalistic to say one can never play video games because they are a distraction, but some people evangelize while playing them to the people online. It’d be legalistic to say you can’t dance (which some do) when even David danced in the Bible.

Anything can become legalistic when you take it to an extreme, but that’s not what we’re trying to say here. It’d be legalistic to say you can’t ever stretch because you might accidentally do a pose that’s used in yoga. No. That’s akin to skipping the number six when counting. But why participate in yoga that is used by Hindus and practitioners of the occult? Again, not judging but warning in love.
Mar 4, 2020
While we are free in Christ, not everything is beneficial and not everything edifies (see 1 Corinthians 10:23).

The yoga discussion could be linked to the eating meat sacrificed to idols passages (See 1 Corinthians chapters 8 & 10). If one in good conscience can eat it, it might be permissible but they are not thinking of their brother and so should limit their freedom before causing a weaker brother to sin, thereby making themselves guilty as well. However, it says not to have the one who abstains nor the one who eats judge the other because God is the judge. If you disagree, you have a right to your own opinion. People that think it’s not a good practice are here to warn those that don’t know and would listen. In the end, whatever each person does, let them do it as for the Lord and not man.

I don’t think God would find it honoring to Him to be using the same practices when the Bible speaks so much against idolatry and not to bow down to idols nor to worship like the pagan nations, but that’s where people will distinguish between “worship” and “exercise.” Yet if it’s “just an exercise” then why can’t believers go and physically bow down in front of a statue? Why would God get mad if we could argue we’re “just stretching” our body in that position? What message would it send if we were to go and “stretch” in that way bowing our body in front of the statue of some other religion? Why would you have to stretch in that specific way at that specific location? You can stretch in any other way and anywhere else.

You’re right that the LGBT movement has wrongly appropriated God’s beautiful rainbow. I would agree that it does not mean we have lost the true meaning of it, God’s promise not to flood the world again after Noah. It’s a symbol of hope. I also enjoy pictures or art that includes rainbows as well as using the colors of the rainbow. Nothing wrong there. However, with the meat sacrificed to idols again, considering a fellow brother who may be newer in the faith or not as strong in our beliefs, to give the wrong message to them? There are Christians that support the LGBT movement and have rainbow flags hung up on their churches. I know what the Bible says though and I can’t have that on my conscience. We are to love people, but not their sins (and this is just one of many).

If you want to fly a rainbow flag on your porch and “take back” the rainbow, go for it but I wouldn’t want to convey the wrong message. It’d have to have something to distinguish it and even then it’d probably end up being like something you’d see on a bumper sticker and I don’t think it sounds particularly loving. To any outsider that is gay it would seem to be yet another rejection from Christians. They are welcome, but that doesn’t mean we support the lifestyle. Like we non-smokers would not encourage a smoker to go outside and finish their pack of cigarettes that is slowly killing them. Any sin is like that “for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).

I think people can use their own routines to stretch their bodies, but when you use the specific poses involved in yoga that the Hindus and occultists like Aleister Crowley use to worship other gods, you’re walking some perilous ground. Crowley promoted yoga and wrote “Eight Lectures on Yoga,” “The Magical Record of the Beast 666,” as well as other occult books. Google it and look at the symbolism and titles of his books that include the all-seeing-eye pyramid, eye of Horus, pentagrams….

One could argue well they appropriated the number 6, pyramids, eyes, the way they draw the stars etcetera. However, does that mean we as Christians have to skip the number 6 when we count? That we cannot use pyramids in math class? That we can never draw our stars like they draw pentagrams? That we can never use a single dollar bill because of the eye pyramid symbols on it? That we can’t cover one eye when we go to the eye doctor for an eye exam or do one for our driver’s license? No! But are we going to wear the occult symbols on our t-shirts and bumper stickers for the world to see and get the wrong idea that we support those things? I’ve seen people’s license plates randomly include three sixes and it seems random, but also ones on purpose that have like “BST666” or something like it in yellow and black that makes it clear they are putting it up either in support of the “beast” that is Satan or the ideas behind Satanism (e.g. “do as thou wilt”) even if they don’t believe in a literal Satan (there are 2 types of Satanists).

Why do you think yoga’s so popular today? Satan is the ruler of this world. If you read the Bible, the book of Revelation talks about a great falling away and many worshiping the antichrist. They’ll believe lying signs and wonders. They want one world religion worshiping the antichrist and for people to “unite” under this system.

If you still feel okay doing it then yes you can use your freedom in Christ to do it, but should you? What if your brother goes “further” down the path into occult, New Age, Hindu, or other beliefs and either synchronizes the beliefs or completely leaves the faith? Look up kundalini yoga and how they visualize serpents crawling up your spine and awakening your “third eye.” Some of those people literally get possessed. I wouldn’t want that on my conscience.

Again, not here to judge or criticize, but to warn and hopefully some people heed the warnings. It’s done out of love. If you want to continue practicing yoga, then all we can do is agree to disagree and pray for you and any other unwitting participants.
I agree with some of what you're saying, but rather than enabling people to remain weak in their faith by reducing our behavior down to the lowest common denominator, we should actually be building each other up in faith.

We don't need people perpetually offended and confused because they saw someone do yoga or fly a rainbow flag on their front porch. Until they are built up in the faith, yes we should be sympathetic to them, but you neglected to mention that we need to practice upbuilding as well.

If you keep reading past the verses you referenced from Romans 14, verse 19 says "So then let us pursue what makes for peace and mutual upbuilding."

People should be careful not to use the Bible as an appeal to authority so that they keep people in bondage. "Do not stretch your body because those heathens are doing it." Or "Don't fly that flag on your front porch or people will think you're a member of the LGBT movement."

Rather than making people afraid to do things like that we should be equipping them with wisdom to discern the difference between what is right and wrong.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2020
Doreen Virtue has interviews with ex yoga practitioners on her channel..