I do not know you. You appear to be relatively new here (unless you have been here before under a different SN), but I am just going to be honest and plain spoken.
I have read a bunch of your comments, and they appear to be (intentional or not) designed to cause controversy. Maybe it is just your personality, I do not know. But you are like fingernails on a chalk board.......very irritating with your comments.
On just about ALL other Threads here on CC, that is generally expected of people because it is how things go. BUT, here on the SYM Thread it is not acceptable. The people here are good, kind, God fearing, loving, supportive people who ONLY WANT to enjoy each others fellowship, AND NOT deal with the controversy that goes on throughout the other CC Forums/Threads.
If not intended, maybe you should just step back, take some time to get to know the people on Speak Your Mind before interjecting your thoughts. I simply find it hard to believe that you can ONLY be disruptive with your comments.......unless that is what you intend.
Gandy called you a troll? Well, IMO your comments have been "troll-esk" for sure. I have not seem Christian love and fellowship portrayed in your comments whatsoever......
I said I was being honest and plain spoken, and sometimes folks can get their feelings hurt, but, shoot, sometimes they need to. From time to time, we all need a wake up call.
THIS THREAD IS ONLY FOR CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP, and the occasional sharing of Scriptures/Pictures and humor. And COFFEE!
If you can not understand this, then do not be a disruptive spirit. That is certainly not what Christ called any of us to be..........