Dear Young Man,
I am guessing you are worried and concerned about going to jail, maybe a little fearful, sorrowful, confused, or not wanting to screw up your future and dreams and goals. Well, it is not the end of the world, and I will tell you why. Be thankful you are breathing and eating and have other freedom, if you do. The freedom to walk and stand when you want. And other things you know.
I myself have spent time in prison. 113 days to be exact, and it is horrible, it is suffering unless you like it. Do you remember learning about the Nazi Concentration Camps, in High School History, and the suffering they went through. Well, that is what it it feels like. The police and correctional officers have no compassion. Yes, some do, but it is rare to find one who cares that you survive.
What determines if you are sent to jail or not? And do you not have anyone to talk to in your family or friends, and that is the reason you are posting here?
But you know, one lesson I did learn in jail, is more self-discipline. If you want a good and bright future, you have to make it. There are very bad things in this world, people, drugs, others motivations. You have to be strong.
I am not judging, you will find those in this world who want to live different lifestyles and God gives us the free will, but when your free will starts to mess up too many lives on this earth, God intervenes, and that point you better be scare, I know.
So, do what you can to talk to whomever to try and show why you should not and don't want to be in jail.
If they do make the decision to commit you to prison, there are good things about it, depending on the luxuries you have now in the free world. You are provided three nutritious meals each day. You are warm or cool depending on the season. You have bible studies, and other classes, such as job training, gym/exercise, the library, and art.
So, think about it. It is difficult to survive in this world, especially for those of us who have many challenges, and barriers to meeting our most basic needs to earn an income, be loved, and safe.
Prison also is not all safe. You can get hurt in there.
Just as my probation officer said to me, you were aware that the crime you commmited could send you to jail. So, were you aware when you decided to threaten or hurt someone, that you may go to jail. Sure, you may not have been thinking about it, but we all know certain things are wrong.
If you don't want to be a criminal or a murderer and have that be your life, it is no fun. Then understand or get someone to help you understand how to cope better with why you wanted to hurt them. Because people really do deserve to be hurt in my opinion in this world, but you should learn to show them they are rude, ignorant, annoying you, or disrespecting you, (if that was the case), in another more healthy and legal and christian way.
And if they don't listen, well then you have to move on, or get in trouble.
I hope I have not said too much. You ask, and I respond, just as well as the others who responded to your concern did.
And it is sad, when you want to get your life together and on a different track, police, even your parents, who are supposed to be encouraging and supportive will not help you, and often be a negative, ungodly influence in your life. They don't do their jobs, and lie about what they really are supposed to be doing. Correctional officers are a big joke. They get paid, but then do nothing, except torture you.
So, I really do pray you do not have to go to jail. You sound like you shouldn't.
God Bless You with strength and good decision making.
"Do not fear mistakes. There are none." (Miles Davis)
"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly" (Robert F. Kennedy)
"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently" (Henry Ford)
"Fall seven times, stand up eight." (Japanese Proverb)