Yeah, I could have just said , 'OK, TELL US what your nic means?'
But that's so regular.. Greennnice (thatzuh ME! ) is sooo irregular, LOL, and so I bid you Jesus' blessing inin HELPING (NOT telling) others figure out your nickname.
Let's let this go on awhile. I will say this: ' iraaasup ' was real tough . Someone googled it (S_K_T, I am not saying any names ) and it sounded so weird what the search came up with that the googler named S_K_T had found the answer but didn't' believe that 'iraaasup' could really be defined as Google said. I hasten, S_K_T did NOT guess 'iraaasup' nickname, but someone else on christian chat KNEW the answer from remembering 'iraaasup' telling them. They posted that answer on my other thread on now, 'What do others' nicknames remind you of?' Sooo.
Now, green, where you going with all this anyway?
I want you to please stay quiet if you already know someone's nick.
God bless, may the Holy Spirit lead you all in your guessing, keeping things clean (as much as can be expected from a bunch of rowdy singles, and, some marrieds ) and guess encouragingly, like Jesus would guess, and.... to those with nicknames, think of good clues to TELL us all but don't give it away.
Mine's 'greennnice,' it is not hard to guess if one already knows I like a certain color. There really is more to it than that but that is all I will give you for now, except to ask you this question: Why does 'greennnice' like green so much?
But that's so regular.. Greennnice (thatzuh ME! ) is sooo irregular, LOL, and so I bid you Jesus' blessing inin HELPING (NOT telling) others figure out your nickname.
Let's let this go on awhile. I will say this: ' iraaasup ' was real tough . Someone googled it (S_K_T, I am not saying any names ) and it sounded so weird what the search came up with that the googler named S_K_T had found the answer but didn't' believe that 'iraaasup' could really be defined as Google said. I hasten, S_K_T did NOT guess 'iraaasup' nickname, but someone else on christian chat KNEW the answer from remembering 'iraaasup' telling them. They posted that answer on my other thread on now, 'What do others' nicknames remind you of?' Sooo.
Now, green, where you going with all this anyway?
I want you to please stay quiet if you already know someone's nick.
God bless, may the Holy Spirit lead you all in your guessing, keeping things clean (as much as can be expected from a bunch of rowdy singles, and, some marrieds ) and guess encouragingly, like Jesus would guess, and.... to those with nicknames, think of good clues to TELL us all but don't give it away.
Mine's 'greennnice,' it is not hard to guess if one already knows I like a certain color. There really is more to it than that but that is all I will give you for now, except to ask you this question: Why does 'greennnice' like green so much?
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