The Bible reveals a Pre-Tribulation Rapture ever since Enoch was translated before the Flood. The only false doctrine is (a) claiming that there is no Pre-Tribulation Rapture and (b) making Christ a liar.
"All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth."--1 Corinthians 16:19
I can see how people misunderstand this Scripture, but Scripture never contradicts itself. Again, we must look at the surrounding verses and the whole of scripture. Jesus said plainly, "--John 3:13
how he was 'translated' i don't know, but it says clearly he died in Hebrews. i can only assume it means just as God gives the breath of life, God took it away, so he did not die a natural death. I don't see this happening to anyone else in Scripture. People will say Elijah, but several years later he is alive because he writes a letter to King Jehoram--so the Chariots did not take him to heaven. The heaven must have meant the upper atmosphere in this case.
"A few years into Jehoram's reign, and several years after Elijah's removal, Jehoram received a letter from Elijah warning the king of dire consequences because of his sins. This letter is recorded in 2 Chronicles 21:12-15.
This letter proves that the prophet was still alive and on earth some years after he was removed by the whirlwind and replaced by Elisha. God had chosen Elisha to succeed Elijah as His prophet, so He bodily removed Elijah to another place, where he continued to live for at least several more years—as his letter to Jehoram demonstrates."
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