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Oct 26, 2016
GENESIS 3 : 1-6 This chapter of the Bible explained how Adam and his wife Eve disobeyed God's commandment but choose to obey the Serpent's deceptions.Jehovah God of all creation placed a curse on the serpent to feed on dust all the days of it's life.

Do anyone ever wonder what it means for the serpent to feed on dust? Many people do believe it is a punishment against the serpent for receiving Eve but I do not subscribe to that. God was only trying to set things right

Adam was created a perfect image of God but not In a perfect likeness of God, the reason being that God knew what was good and evil but He created Adam to know good alone. The creator knew the knowledge of evil has the opposite of what He wished for them so He decided they are better of without it even at the expense of not fulfilling His aim of creating Adam in His perfect likeness.

The knowledge of evil is full of hate and in it are sickness, anger, deception, murderous act, unbelieve, pains, sorry death etc. You can see that the reason is justifiable when God withold the knowledge of evil from Adam and His wife.

God gave Adam and Eve the opportunity to become like Him when He planted the fruit of evil in the middle of Eden where He kept them but commanded them never to eat from it. He made them know that death resides in evil. They disobeyed that commandment and ate from the tree.

God was soo disappointed in them even when they have broken the barriers that seperated them from being in the perfect likeness of God. Truly, They now know what was evil and good becoming a perfect likeness of their creator.
GENESIS 3: 22. It was at this stage God confirmed the Man is now like one of Them.

Adam unfortunately did not only know what is good and evil alone, he was also told how he was formed out of the dust of the ground. He never knew this secret untill that day.

Why do you think God told Adam that he was from dust and to dust shall he return? GENESIS 3: 19

ADAM ate the forbidding fruit to edify their human body above the Spirit of God in them. The human flesh is created out of the ground and as such she feeds from the produce of the ground to keep her nourished. It was the urges emanating from their human flesh who desires to have a bite of the forbidden fruit that make it irresistible for them to keep to God's commandment.

Therefore, God was angree with their flesh for she was the one that conceeded the evil fruit. Because the human flesh is corrupted with evil, she is to die and be returned to where is was taken from.

Your Soul don't eat fruit neither do God's Spirit in you. Their flesh ate and conceeded the evil seed and something remarkable happened. The flesh that was created to only serve as a container which should contain the Soul and God's Spirit was activated to life.
Oct 26, 2016
Their flesh was activated to a life of evil and because she had conceeded evil, she will die. They lost their immortality immediately they embraced evil. Their human flesh dies together with the evil they have conceeded and it will return to dust where it was taken. Satan the evil one who is masquerading himself in a serpent is to come and make a meal of the dust which the flesh had turned to.

The creator is only trying to return the evil back to it's domain.
Oct 26, 2016
'dust shall you eat all the days of your life.' the devil is cursed to remain evil


Senior Member
Oct 30, 2011
The Good news is that the Messiah came to save us. Salvation for those that Believe and adhere. Worthy is the Lamb.


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2020
GENESIS 3 : 1-6 This chapter of the Bible explained how Adam and his wife Eve disobeyed God's commandment but choose to obey the Serpent's deceptions.Jehovah God of all creation placed a curse on the serpent to feed on dust all the days of it's life.

Do anyone ever wonder what it means for the serpent to feed on dust? Many people do believe it is a punishment against the serpent for receiving Eve but I do not subscribe to that. God was only trying to set things right

Adam was created a perfect image of God but not In a perfect likeness of God, the reason being that God knew what was good and evil but He created Adam to know good alone. The creator knew the knowledge of evil has the opposite of what He wished for them so He decided they are better of without it even at the expense of not fulfilling His aim of creating Adam in His perfect likeness.

The knowledge of evil is full of hate and in it are sickness, anger, deception, murderous act, unbelieve, pains, sorry death etc. You can see that the reason is justifiable when God withold the knowledge of evil from Adam and His wife.

God gave Adam and Eve the opportunity to become like Him when He planted the fruit of evil in the middle of Eden where He kept them but commanded them never to eat from it. He made them know that death resides in evil. They disobeyed that commandment and ate from the tree.

God was soo disappointed in them even when they have broken the barriers that seperated them from being in the perfect likeness of God. Truly, They now know what was evil and good becoming a perfect likeness of their creator.
GENESIS 3: 22. It was at this stage God confirmed the Man is now like one of Them.

Adam unfortunately did not only know what is good and evil alone, he was also told how he was formed out of the dust of the ground. He never knew this secret untill that day.

Why do you think God told Adam that he was from dust and to dust shall he return? GENESIS 3: 19

ADAM ate the forbidding fruit to edify their human body above the Spirit of God in them. The human flesh is created out of the ground and as such she feeds from the produce of the ground to keep her nourished. It was the urges emanating from their human flesh who desires to have a bite of the forbidden fruit that make it irresistible for them to keep to God's commandment.

Therefore, God was angree with their flesh for she was the one that conceeded the evil fruit. Because the human flesh is corrupted with evil, she is to die and be returned to where is was taken from.

Your Soul don't eat fruit neither do God's Spirit in you. Their flesh ate and conceeded the evil seed and something remarkable happened. The flesh that was created to only serve as a container which should contain the Soul and God's Spirit was activated to life.
Hears "Twilight Zone" Theme softly playing in the Background -
Oct 15, 2022
Do anyone ever wonder what it means for the serpent to feed on dust?
Not anymore.

I figured out the Mystery decades ago. Unfortunately, most cannot handle the Truth because it is a Bible euphemism.

I recommend meditating on the meaning of these verses....

Genesis 28:14
"And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed."

Genesis 13:16
"And I will make thy seed as the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered."

The Serpent that Satan was transformed into is not what folks have been told. The Church says one thing, the Bible says another.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field

What i wonder is what cattle have to do with this
Oct 26, 2016
Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field

What i wonder is what cattle have to do with this
I really can't tell but it seems the serpent looks tall probably like cattle when it has legs.


Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field

What i wonder is what cattle have to do with this
Here's my current take on this.

Romans 8

18For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 19For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. 20For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, 21Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. 23And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. 24For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? 25But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

When Adam sinned, the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him (Adam) who has subjected the same in hope. This hope is found in that the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption at Christ's return. Presently, the whole creation groans and travails in pain together, like a woman experiencing labor pains, and this includes all cattle and every beast of the field. In other words, apparently, the curse didn't just affect the physical makeup of the serpent, but it affected all cattle and every beast as well. It's just that the serpent's curse was above or greater than the curse of the cattle and the beasts in that it lost the use of its legs that it once had.

I believe that portions of scripture such as the ones that follow give us a glimpse of the curse reversal after Christ's return.

Isaiah 11

6The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. 7And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. 8And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den. 9They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. 10And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.

Isaiah 65

25The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

It seems to me that the serpent's curse is irrevocable, but that everything else will go back to its original state after Christ returns.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field

So this is my view ------the Scripture clearly says ------

God said unto the serpent, --------

God didn't say to the cattle or the beast of the field ---------so the serpent was a serpent in the Garden --------otherwise God would have said something to the Cattle or the beasts of the field ----------and turned the animal or beast into a serpent -----and that is not what the scripture is saying ---------

God is saying to the serpent ---in my view --------that you are now below and disgraced above all the Cattle and beasts of the field ------

The serpent was a blessed serpent like all the other animals etc God had made ---God was pleased with all he had made --until the serpent deceived Eve and only then did God curse the serpent ----Satan was allowed by God to indwell the serpent in my view ------to test the Faith and obedience of Adam and Eve ------

The fate of the serpent was to eat the dust of the ground ------which God cursed as well -----and this was making the serpent as low as possible in disgrace ----

-Jesus when he was not accepted in a place to preach the Good News -----he wiped his feet in the dust of the ground in disgust and disapproval -----

So we can make all kinds of interpretations but we need to pay attention to what the Scripture is really saying -------that is what I believe
Oct 15, 2022
Genesis 3:14
And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou [art] cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field

What i wonder is what cattle have to do with this
It has to do with the Golden Calf, Moloch, etc. and what they ultimately represent.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
It has to do with the Golden Calf, Moloch, etc. and what they ultimately represent.
That came much much later.
At the point in history that Genesis 3 takes place tho...

And just because men thousands of years later made an idol of a bull why does a bull get cursed thousands of years beforehand? What did the cattle do? Anything?

I mean the serpent on a pole in the wilderness eventually became idolized. Does that make it accursed from day 1 when God instructed Moses to make it?


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
God is saying to the serpent ---in my view --------that you are now below and disgraced above all the Cattle and beasts of the field ------
What's disgraceful about cattle or beasts of the field? Anything? God saw all that He had made, and it was good


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
I really can't tell but it seems the serpent looks tall probably like cattle when it has legs.
I think it's pretty easy to tell the difference between a dragon and a cow