One of the attacks I've seen is the claim that the pre-trib rapture was invented some 200 years ago.
Well, given that so much was hidden from the ancients until the appointed time, such as Daniel was commanded, there's nothing new in latter revelation, and so this claim falls flat on its meaningless face!
All Christians agree – or should agree – on these points: Both the Old Testament and Jesus promised to rule on this earth, AND Jesus Christ is coming again.
The disagreements are not always held with mutual respect. Someone treat others as stupid, deceived or unspiritual because the other doesn't believe what they do in these areas. Some are even so crass as to accuse others of doing the work of the Antichrist because they believe in the Pre-Tribulation catching away of the church. How sad indeed, and is a demonstration for the lack of spiritual depth in those making the accusation.
What do we make of this accusation that the teaching of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a recent invention, and that no one taught it or believed it before the 19th century? This too is an invention, specifically an invention of a Jesuit priest named Lacunza, or a crazy woman named Margret MacDonald, or other weird teachers like John Nelson Darby and C.I. Scofield...who knows.
What matters is what the scriptures actually say, and those who are the misfits incapable of keeping this on a conversational level, they are left to their own deceptive devices. I'm a firm believer in the freedoms we all have in Yahshuah! I'm not here to steal anyone's freedoms, and they will not steal mine.