Remember that balance of their eternity does not hang upon you. It would be nice if we could just punch in some kind of code and
presto! A new Christian is born! But it doesn't work that way. Don't waste time wondering "did I say the wrong thing?" or by being afraid to be honest about your faith because you don't feel as if you have all the right answers. It can be scary, can't it? Fortunately God is sovereign, and if He has chosen someone, then there is no way they can resist Him. Likewise, if it is not His will that they be saved, then there is nothing you can do to save them. All you can do is live as well as you can for God in front of them. Do your best but don't cry over spilled milk when you mess up, because even when you mess up it does not dismay God or impede His plans in the least. He can use all of you to glorify Himself and He will. Knowing that is a big comfort to me.
If you enter into a debate with an atheist, choose the battle ground by using the Bible as your standard. They can argue all day, "so-in-so-says..." but it isn't even valid. The Bible is true. ALL of the the Bible is true, and there is no way for them to honestly get around it. Way of the Master is a great resource (you can google it, I typed Way of the Master+How to witness). They have videos (they're pretty short, too) that you can watch that are very easy to understand (perfect for dummies like me
). They deal directly with people's sin in a gentle but firm way by using the Ten Commandments as a starting point.
Also, has anyone else ever thought it interesting that people use the name of God or Jesus so much when they swear? You don't catch them throwing dirt on the names of buddha or krishna very often, do you? Also, if they truly, in their heart of hearts, believe that God doesn't exist and that every man should be able to do whatever he wants, if they really don't care, then why do so many of them spend so much time and effort trying to badmouth God and Christianity? If it doesn't matter then Christians should be allowed to their own "fantasies" just like everyone else, don't you think? Makes you wonder if they feel a little threatened sometimes... Ever played hide-and-seek with a kid who put his hands over his face and yelled, "You can't see me!"?