Getting a tad sarcastic then? Must be catching

I've only been patient even though you have still not answered what I asked, even though I said you don't have to answer.
However, you did choose to answer but you just continued with what you believe and sadly, what you are saying is not what the text is saying.
You have used the Bible, not as it is written, but rather in a way to highlight your own interpretation.
Unless you wish to discuss this further, without the sarcastic deflection, I'm going to break off because this is just one big circular response from you.
There are not two levels of believers. We do not have some that are 'elect' and another set that is just 'saved.' I don't know if you came up with that on your own or you have been taught it, but it is not found in scripture.
What you miss, is that certain people in scripture did have a special calling from God just as many saved people do today. In fact, they are all around us. Does the Bible say anywhere that certain 'elect' people are the special ones? No it does not. That just seems to be how you understand it. I don't think that is a salvic question or belief, but it is a confusing and wrong conclusion.
Do we have every backstory of every person in the Bible? No we do not. We have certain stories and examples but the big exclusion is everyone else. You may be an everyone else and I am probably an everyone else, but that does not mean that we are not saved or that there is a class of 'elect' brand out there.
Thank you