I know you are probably convinced but let me fill you in on another perspective.
JFK: No one mentions this but it is likely JFK was killed because he and his brother had an affair with Marilyn Monroe was killed because she was going to publish her diary (though the diary mysteriously was never found) also it was said that Marilyn's ex-husband paid off the secret service to have it done. now this was a rumor back then i don't know if it is true. I don't give in to conspiracy theories because i don't want God to say to me I loved a lie
Now its possible with Reagan but did you know it could have also have been revenge. Reagan turned in all his fellow actors during and after the war for being communists. It ruined their careers.
I know you are probably convinced but let me fill you in on another perspective.
JFK: No one mentions this but it is likely JFK was killed because he and his brother had an affair with Marilyn Monroe was killed because she was going to publish her diary (though the diary mysteriously was never found) also it was said that Marilyn's ex-husband paid off the secret service to have it done. now this was a rumor back then i don't know if it is true. I don't give in to conspiracy theories because i don't want God to say to me I loved a lie
Now its possible with Reagan but did you know it could have also have been revenge. Reagan turned in all his fellow actors during and after the war for being communists. It ruined their careers.
Yes, I am aware of the Marilyn Monroe connection...
Yes, it is good to have a healthy sense of Discernment in not buying into Conspiracy Theories Blindly... As there are certainly tons of Fantastical Conspiracy Theories out there that are very un-believable...
But the Truth that we have come to discern and realize via this thread (and two previous versions that were Cancelled) is that thanks to the diligent work of soo many Christian Patriot Truthers all the the Conspiracies that were aligned with this thread's line of discovery have in fact been validated... I know it is a lot, but within these 655 pages and over 13,000 posts ALL THE ASSOCIATED CONSPIRACIES have been VALIDATED as TRUTH...
The other discovery REVEAL that is important as it pertains to JFK and Marylin Monroe is the Deep States Method for GAINING LEVERAGE on the Political and Justice System (really the Whole of Government system) is akin to entrapment with Pretty Women (or younger teens etc,) as a means to lure them into relationships or compromising situations via photos or videos and then to Blackmail them into doing their business... This method has been exposed via the Jeffrey Epstein Island scenario and is now further being exposed via the P Diddy saga...
If you would like, I would be happy to provide a brief summary of all the Conspiracies (that are no longer Theories) and substantiating evidence of all the Truths that have been captured via this thread via all the contributing Christian Patriot Truthers here and around the World...
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