On one hand ,Can't wait for the tribulation to start, so God can sort out the sheep From the goats, the good from the bad, the bad Christians from the good Christians. the just from the unjust.
I think he's going to turn things upside down. make the leadership of the Christian faith sweep the streets and clean up the dead bodies, where all the Christians at the bottom of the food chain, get to be the Kings and the priests.
Separate the fearful from the faithful the believers who are full of faith.
It's funny God always starts with his own people he's gonna clean us up first then after he's cleaned us up, he's gonna clean the world up.
All the leadership is worth today is to pass the milk bottle to the babes, the rest of it is so polluted it should be cast out and thrown to this swine. God will raise up his own leadership during the tribulation men and women of faith not men and women of fear like they are today.
False prophets have wriggled and wiggled themselves in to the Christian face making it impossible to find a decent Bunch That are not somehow polluted.
I deal with Christian leadership on a daily basis, it is full of fear and deceit and they think that's ok. Somehow they justify it to themselves thinking it's a part of God's plan unbelievable.
They're so desperate for it to be a pretribulation rapture that they hang on the tiniest threat of circumstantial evidence, to help justify in their hearts that they are right.
Maybe they're not ready to handle it so God has to send them strong delusion.
I think he's going to turn things upside down. make the leadership of the Christian faith sweep the streets and clean up the dead bodies, where all the Christians at the bottom of the food chain, get to be the Kings and the priests.
Separate the fearful from the faithful the believers who are full of faith.
It's funny God always starts with his own people he's gonna clean us up first then after he's cleaned us up, he's gonna clean the world up.
All the leadership is worth today is to pass the milk bottle to the babes, the rest of it is so polluted it should be cast out and thrown to this swine. God will raise up his own leadership during the tribulation men and women of faith not men and women of fear like they are today.
False prophets have wriggled and wiggled themselves in to the Christian face making it impossible to find a decent Bunch That are not somehow polluted.
I deal with Christian leadership on a daily basis, it is full of fear and deceit and they think that's ok. Somehow they justify it to themselves thinking it's a part of God's plan unbelievable.
They're so desperate for it to be a pretribulation rapture that they hang on the tiniest threat of circumstantial evidence, to help justify in their hearts that they are right.
Maybe they're not ready to handle it so God has to send them strong delusion.
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