****So, I am going to make sure that I don't generalize too much on this topic, since I know that it's quite possible that this problem might not exist in other parts of North America. I can only speak from my limited experience in Canada and I can scale it down even further, down to a small demographic of people in BC. So if this issue does not exist or apply where you are, then feel free to skip it.
So, something I have become blatently aware of, seems to be an increase in the number of men that will not pursue a girl. It has seen a lot more common where I am, for women to pursue men. When I have polled my girl friends why they feel the need to pursue men, they tell me that they feel that men are not interested in really pursuing women anymore like they used to. (Please note this is referencing the Christian community...I assume plenty of men are pursuing in seccular places of business but I can't really say since I don't go to a lot of places)
So this poses the question of WHY?
I have personally been thinking about this one a lot and my theory is, there has been a movement of femanism that has risen up in the past 10-15 years that wasnt as prevelent before. Women became more empowered to be more independent. While, there is nothing inherently wrong with independence, it can be taken to an extreme. I wonder if many men look at women and go "well she doesn't need me/want me..what would my role in her life possibly be if she is doing all this on her own and seemingly doesnt need a man?" I kind of wonder, if this new found independence and empowerment of women has actually caused men to feel demasculated? Have men lost the courage to approach women? If so, why? Is it fear of rejection? Also, why does this issue seem to exist more within the christian/religious community?
Here is another conondrum. If women are not supposed to pursue men. If women should be waiting for God to bring them their spouse, then how on earth are women supposed to meet a man if men are not willing to pursue? Doesn't it seem like that would mean, they are left with little choice but to pursue?
All that said, this is my personal opinion or where I come from. I believe that men should pursue. I believe that God made men to pursue women. I believe that it is apart of there built in masculinity. As a women, there is something incredibly attractive and assuring about a man that pursues. It not only shows courage and willingness to take risk, it shows a man who is strong in character. It takes bravery to step out and pursue, knowing that there is a high liklihood of being rejected.
Also, my personal feeling is- I need a husband. In other words, I am not sure how other women came to think that being independent and "power to the women" and living without men/a man is the way to be, but I just can't get on board with that. I think that God totally created men and women to be each others strengths where we are weak, to compliment one another's character. I mean, lets be real here. There are things men can do..that women can't and I don't care what women say about being able to do it just like a man can..I am sorry..but if it were true, then God wouldn't have created one for the other. He knew women would need man and man would need a women. That's why we are considered to be a "help mate" to man. Even, as someone with male friends, I can't imagine a life without having male friends. They literally help me with things I can not do, like fix my plumbing or go on my roof to fix it, or even just to be there to have a completely logical conversation lacking any emotion in it. Somtimes it is easier to have a conversation with a guy because ya'll don't get so overly emotional the way women can in response. We need each other's perspective.
Thoughts? (Have i totally just opened a big can of worms??)
So, something I have become blatently aware of, seems to be an increase in the number of men that will not pursue a girl. It has seen a lot more common where I am, for women to pursue men. When I have polled my girl friends why they feel the need to pursue men, they tell me that they feel that men are not interested in really pursuing women anymore like they used to. (Please note this is referencing the Christian community...I assume plenty of men are pursuing in seccular places of business but I can't really say since I don't go to a lot of places)
So this poses the question of WHY?
I have personally been thinking about this one a lot and my theory is, there has been a movement of femanism that has risen up in the past 10-15 years that wasnt as prevelent before. Women became more empowered to be more independent. While, there is nothing inherently wrong with independence, it can be taken to an extreme. I wonder if many men look at women and go "well she doesn't need me/want me..what would my role in her life possibly be if she is doing all this on her own and seemingly doesnt need a man?" I kind of wonder, if this new found independence and empowerment of women has actually caused men to feel demasculated? Have men lost the courage to approach women? If so, why? Is it fear of rejection? Also, why does this issue seem to exist more within the christian/religious community?
Here is another conondrum. If women are not supposed to pursue men. If women should be waiting for God to bring them their spouse, then how on earth are women supposed to meet a man if men are not willing to pursue? Doesn't it seem like that would mean, they are left with little choice but to pursue?
All that said, this is my personal opinion or where I come from. I believe that men should pursue. I believe that God made men to pursue women. I believe that it is apart of there built in masculinity. As a women, there is something incredibly attractive and assuring about a man that pursues. It not only shows courage and willingness to take risk, it shows a man who is strong in character. It takes bravery to step out and pursue, knowing that there is a high liklihood of being rejected.
Also, my personal feeling is- I need a husband. In other words, I am not sure how other women came to think that being independent and "power to the women" and living without men/a man is the way to be, but I just can't get on board with that. I think that God totally created men and women to be each others strengths where we are weak, to compliment one another's character. I mean, lets be real here. There are things men can do..that women can't and I don't care what women say about being able to do it just like a man can..I am sorry..but if it were true, then God wouldn't have created one for the other. He knew women would need man and man would need a women. That's why we are considered to be a "help mate" to man. Even, as someone with male friends, I can't imagine a life without having male friends. They literally help me with things I can not do, like fix my plumbing or go on my roof to fix it, or even just to be there to have a completely logical conversation lacking any emotion in it. Somtimes it is easier to have a conversation with a guy because ya'll don't get so overly emotional the way women can in response. We need each other's perspective.
Thoughts? (Have i totally just opened a big can of worms??)
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