No, those two are too weak for me. It hurts.
I've no idea then. You said Impending Doon was 'too lite', which is nuts. Then you used Slaves Wage as an example, a power metal band, so i gave you two power metal bands that are heavier than SW, and you said they are too weak.
You said core bands. That's desthcore, like Impending Doom, or metalcore, which has a lot of screaming and some cleans mixed in. Possibly thrash, but most thrash bands have harsher vocals than Metallica.
And to my knowledge there is no 5fdp Christian equivalent. Though dad metal is not really my thing, so it may be out there and I just don't know it.
You never really did explain what you meant by rich. You obviously have a different idea of what heavy means than pretty much every metalhead. You aren't offering much oof a description other than heavy and rich (whatever that means), so you'll either have to explain more clearly or hope someone else has better luck helping you.