Brothers and Sisters,
You are either walk by faith in Spirit, or by fear in the flesh.
If you believe that you are Christ's, then what do you have to gain from reading the worries of the world? You were called out of the world, so why do you keep drawing yourself back to its problems? The one that thrives off fear and worry is the same that tells you to read those messages. The prince of this world needs your fear, since as long as you fear, you are easy influenced and directed. This world will always tell you there is something to fear, a illness to avoid, a shortage to stockpile for, a war to evade, a brother to hate.
If it is not for you, then it is against you. There is no middle ground. You either build or destroy. A house divided cannot stand. Take no thought for tomorrow, for it does not exist. Only now exists, anything and everything that you think of tomorrow is purely imaginary. Why use your God given imagination to envision evil? Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells within you? Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. You have been given a Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith and truthfulness. A conspiracy lacks at least seven out of eight of these characteristics, and even if it were true, what good is dwelling on it? You were told this world would have troubles, do not be anxious over them, cast any anxiety onto the Lord, because he cares for you.
Overcome evil with good. Set your mind on what is righteous and good, for whatever a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
There is a war for your mind. You can do your part in the battle by seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and trusting in Him.
Intention is what everything can be boiled down to, every conscious thought or action must have an intention. Every intention has a driving emotion. God is Love. There is no darkness in him at all. Now ask yourself, what intention and emotion drives conspiracies and the like?
Brothers and Sisters turn from fear, choose faith, be strong, know peace, have love. Once you have faith, you can spread it. Once you are strong you can lift up your neighbor. Your peace can help the fearful. Your love will become another's. You cannot give what you do not have, take from the Lord God, since He alone is the source of all that is good. And once you have it, give it to another. Be mindful, we are here to help, not hinder. Be the children of the light, not of darkness.
Christ has authority, rule and power over all. You have nothing to fear in this world. All glory to God.
You are either walk by faith in Spirit, or by fear in the flesh.
If you believe that you are Christ's, then what do you have to gain from reading the worries of the world? You were called out of the world, so why do you keep drawing yourself back to its problems? The one that thrives off fear and worry is the same that tells you to read those messages. The prince of this world needs your fear, since as long as you fear, you are easy influenced and directed. This world will always tell you there is something to fear, a illness to avoid, a shortage to stockpile for, a war to evade, a brother to hate.
If it is not for you, then it is against you. There is no middle ground. You either build or destroy. A house divided cannot stand. Take no thought for tomorrow, for it does not exist. Only now exists, anything and everything that you think of tomorrow is purely imaginary. Why use your God given imagination to envision evil? Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells within you? Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. You have been given a Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith and truthfulness. A conspiracy lacks at least seven out of eight of these characteristics, and even if it were true, what good is dwelling on it? You were told this world would have troubles, do not be anxious over them, cast any anxiety onto the Lord, because he cares for you.
Overcome evil with good. Set your mind on what is righteous and good, for whatever a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
There is a war for your mind. You can do your part in the battle by seeking the Lord Jesus Christ and trusting in Him.
Intention is what everything can be boiled down to, every conscious thought or action must have an intention. Every intention has a driving emotion. God is Love. There is no darkness in him at all. Now ask yourself, what intention and emotion drives conspiracies and the like?
Brothers and Sisters turn from fear, choose faith, be strong, know peace, have love. Once you have faith, you can spread it. Once you are strong you can lift up your neighbor. Your peace can help the fearful. Your love will become another's. You cannot give what you do not have, take from the Lord God, since He alone is the source of all that is good. And once you have it, give it to another. Be mindful, we are here to help, not hinder. Be the children of the light, not of darkness.
Christ has authority, rule and power over all. You have nothing to fear in this world. All glory to God.
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