Wish the Red state was that simple but nope moved from Austin to the Big Thicket a while back and found out the hard way from the city marshal that you need a permit to tear down a porch,and then another to install a door kit and if I wanted to build another when I was done I needed one for that. They need to inspect all of this as you complete these task and so they charge for that also. I went to get the permits and mentioned my father had passed away and was I planning a garage sale and they said it was only 10.00 for that permit which is good for 3 days unless I didn't remove the garage sale signs and then they would issue me a citation. But no no HOA just a forty year old mobile home in the woods.
You know ... i don't know what you were doing when you posted this, but keep doing it again, because in this post i understand you perfectly and you don't come across as confusing at all.
I guess the question here is why do you even live there if this is what you have to deal with?
I mean, i live in a blue state (Massachusetts) and in no way anyone deals with this type of ridiculnessnes.
I did my patio about 5 years ago, there was a crew of workers there with heavy machinery and jackhammers for about 2 months.
Did anyone pull a permit? No! I even asked them "Do we need a permit for this work?".
Nah - they said.
I even put a fence which my neighbour thanked me for it because he was planning on doing it himself.
Did we pull a permit for the fence?
So why do you even want to deal with bureaucracy? Avoid it!
I mean this is the point of the government right? So it's small and it's not nosy.
Sounds like your Marshall there has a major chip on his shoulder so turn your town into population zero by leaving so the Marshall can talk to himself.