Quite often, Christians will get accused of relying on themselves instead of Christ, since they believe one must obey Him (Heb. 5:9). They get accused by other people who identify as Christians, who believe in salvation by faith alone. These individuals who make this unfounded objection say this since Christians believe one must obey the commandments of Jesus (John 14:15).
Is this true? Do Christians (members of the church/body of Christ) rely on themselves for salvation and put hope in themselves apart from God?
No, it’s not true. We aren’t relying on ourselves to save ourselves by ourselves. It’s the exact opposite…we are simply trusting in God to save us as we obey Him (Hebrews 5:9, Matthew 7:21). If the opposite is true, then we can be saved by God by going our own way by being ignorant of God’s righteousness, as we try to establish our own righteousness, but such runs contrary to the Bible (Prov. 12:15, Prov. 16:25, Jer. 10:23; Rom. 10:3)
Was Noah trusting in himself and the ark to save him and his family when he built an ark (Gen. 6; Heb. 11:7)? Was Naaman trusted in himself to save himself from his leprosy, as well as trusting in the water when he dipped in the Jordan river (2 Kings 5:10-14)? Was the blind man trusting in himself when he went to wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:7-11)? Were the ones of Israel who looked to the bronze serpent on Moses’ pole trusting in themselves (Num. 21:9)? Was Israel trusting in themselves or their works as they marched around the walls of Jericho (Jos. 6:15-20)? In all the examples, as they trusted to submit to the commandments of God, would they have been trusting in their own works of obedience? Or would they have been trusting in God by taking Him at His word by obeying Him?
When we follow the holy, authoritative commands found in God's Word, we are not saving ourselves on our own merit. When we follow God's commands, He saves us. We should be thankful that He has graciously given us commands which save, instead of commands which condemn, as He is a God of salvation (Deut. 32:15; 2 Sam. 22:3; 2 Sam. 22:47; Ps. 25:5; Acts 28:28; Rom. 1:16; 1 Tim. 2:4, etc etc). We should be grateful that He has warned us about what we need to avoid in this life to avoid eternal condemnation (1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rom. 6:1; Rom. 6:12; 1 John 3:10).
When we become a Christian and continue to follow Jesus, it isn’t showing how good we are, it’s showing how good He is (Jhn 10:11, 14, 27-28). Following Jesus doesn’t point back to our own righteousness, it points to His (Rom. 5:17, 21). Following Jesus isn’t looking to self for salvation, it’s looking to Him, the author and finisher of faith (Heb. 12:2). Following Jesus isn’t making ourselves the captain of our salvation, it’s Jesus who is the captain (Heb. 2:10). We obey God out of a love, faith, and out of having gratitude that we are saved in Christ. We have reverential love for Him (Gal. 5:6), and it’s by His grace which instructs (Titus 2:11-12). Living for God is trusting God. Living a godly lifestyle is not making it about our “works”. It's trusting in Christ’s work by making it about Him by being conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29). All of our good works we do and living faithfully is not making it all about ourselves but about God, as we are His workmanship (Eph. 2:10). Living a Christian life affirms our love to Christ (John 14:15, 15:14). It affirms our devotion to Him. His love compels us (2 Cor. 5:14) to do so and God’s grace is the instructor (Titus 2:11-12). By His grace, He has showed us how.
All of this is confirmation of having a saving faith in Christ, and is confirmation that we have and are surrendering our lives to Him by allowing Him to be the Lord and King over our lives. It is not our works that makes us righteousness (Titus 3:5). It is our faith in Christ that does by the power of the gospel (Rom. 3:22, Phil. 3:9, Rom. 1:16).
Living a godly lifestyle is not making it about your “works”. It's trusting in Christ’s work by making it about Him by being conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29). The works of Christ that save us is His death, burial, resurrection, as well as what He has commanded us to do to be saved by Him. All of those are God ordained commandments/works which Jesus taught and which the Spirit revealed to the Apostles, to teach us how to be saved by His grace.
It’s not placing hope in ourselves, but rather, hope in God, as when we live faithfully. That is how we let our light shine so that others may see Him in us (Matt. 5:16). That is why God gets all the glory (Psalm 29:2, Phil 2:13). His grace tells us that we can’t live in sin any longer (Rom. 6:1). It teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and teaches us to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world (Titus 2:12) and teaches us to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior (2 Peter 3:18).
Just as in Moses day, the ones who looked to the pole of Moses that had a bronze serpent on it for physical healing when they got bit by a snake (Numbers 21:8-9..although the bronze serpent in and of itself did not heal them, God did), we must look to the cross of Jesus Christ that had the Lord of lords and King of kings for spiritual healing. Just as Naaman submitted to the Jordan River for physical healing (2 Kings 5:14), we must submit to water baptism for the remission of sins for spiritual healing by the blood of Christ (Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, Matt. 26:28).
By looking to the God of heaven, the cross of Christ, searching the sword of the Spirit, we learn that God has given us conditions to be spiritually healed. We are to believe in God the Father and God the Son, Christ (John 3:16, 8:24, 5:24). We are to repent (Acts 17:30). We are to confess our faith in Jesus (Acts 8:37, Romans 10:9-10). We are to be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). We are to follow Jesus (John 10:27). We are to do the Father’s will (Matt. 7:21). We are to walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:25).
Obedience to God is founded in grace (Titus 2:11-12) and love (2 Cor. 5:14ff). The same grace that saved us (Eph. 2:8) is also the same grace that motivates, instructs, and warns us not to continue in sin (Rom. 6:1, 12-18ff). Grace teaches us (Titus 2:11-12) not to continue in sin (Rom. 6:1), and has the answers for salvation when one ask what must we/I do? What do you want me to do? (Acts 2:37-28; Acts 16:30ff; Acts 9:6). Grace tells us what we must do to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 7:21). Jesus brought us salvation. On the cross, He died for all men (2 Cor. 5:15), and He brought us a soul saving message to all through His sacrifice, His words, His apostles and disciples. All of that is grace and is how His grace that has brought salvation has appeared to all men. In having mercy upon us, He saved us by His grace which also instructs us, not only how to be saved, but also how to live such a life that we can walk worthy of our calling as a Christian to glorify God (Ti. 3:5, Ti. 2:11; Eph. 2:8, 4:1; 1 Cor. 6:20).
The works of Christ that save us is His death, burial, resurrection, and what He has commanded us to do—which those are God given commandments to be saved by His grace. The term “works” is sometimes the equivalent of “obedience.” Elsewhere Jesus promised victory to those who “keep my works,” i.e., the works (commands) prescribed by him (Rev. 2:26)
Let us “continue in the grace of God” (Acts 13:43) by allowing the grace-given instructions of Christ to teach us where we are living the life that is “denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age” (Titus 2:11). God’s revealed will was given to us by Jesus. By grace, He instructs us to do the Father’s will (Titus 2:11-12; Mt. 7:21). Meeting the conditions of the One who first offers the commands and bestows the grace is not earning anything. It’s simply desiring His will over your own.
God's grace is what helps me overcome my sin, not why I sin.
God has a will for man to obey to be saved. As we do His will, it is obeying the work OF God. They are His works, which He gives to us to do. Those works are designed by HIM, not us. We are not saving ourselves by ourselves when we obey God’s divine authoritative commands. Everything which God has revealed to us through His word to be saved is grace. It’s dripping with grace and love. The Bible in the Old Testament and New Testament is full of commandments and conditional statements that God has freely given in order to receive what God freely gives. All of this is by God’s grace, as He has given instructions on how to receive what He freely gives.
These people who accuse the body of Christ outright refuse to understand that we are not saving ourselves BY ourselves when we obey God’s divine authoritative commands that we read in His Word. Nor do they understand that we are not saving ourselves BY ourselves when we are obeying God. Does God save when we live in disobedience or when one lives in accordance with His will in obedience. The fact they make an issue of God saving people when they obey is disturbing. Do they think God will save people who REFUSE His WILL?
Is this true? Do Christians (members of the church/body of Christ) rely on themselves for salvation and put hope in themselves apart from God?
No, it’s not true. We aren’t relying on ourselves to save ourselves by ourselves. It’s the exact opposite…we are simply trusting in God to save us as we obey Him (Hebrews 5:9, Matthew 7:21). If the opposite is true, then we can be saved by God by going our own way by being ignorant of God’s righteousness, as we try to establish our own righteousness, but such runs contrary to the Bible (Prov. 12:15, Prov. 16:25, Jer. 10:23; Rom. 10:3)
Was Noah trusting in himself and the ark to save him and his family when he built an ark (Gen. 6; Heb. 11:7)? Was Naaman trusted in himself to save himself from his leprosy, as well as trusting in the water when he dipped in the Jordan river (2 Kings 5:10-14)? Was the blind man trusting in himself when he went to wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:7-11)? Were the ones of Israel who looked to the bronze serpent on Moses’ pole trusting in themselves (Num. 21:9)? Was Israel trusting in themselves or their works as they marched around the walls of Jericho (Jos. 6:15-20)? In all the examples, as they trusted to submit to the commandments of God, would they have been trusting in their own works of obedience? Or would they have been trusting in God by taking Him at His word by obeying Him?
When we follow the holy, authoritative commands found in God's Word, we are not saving ourselves on our own merit. When we follow God's commands, He saves us. We should be thankful that He has graciously given us commands which save, instead of commands which condemn, as He is a God of salvation (Deut. 32:15; 2 Sam. 22:3; 2 Sam. 22:47; Ps. 25:5; Acts 28:28; Rom. 1:16; 1 Tim. 2:4, etc etc). We should be grateful that He has warned us about what we need to avoid in this life to avoid eternal condemnation (1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rom. 6:1; Rom. 6:12; 1 John 3:10).
When we become a Christian and continue to follow Jesus, it isn’t showing how good we are, it’s showing how good He is (Jhn 10:11, 14, 27-28). Following Jesus doesn’t point back to our own righteousness, it points to His (Rom. 5:17, 21). Following Jesus isn’t looking to self for salvation, it’s looking to Him, the author and finisher of faith (Heb. 12:2). Following Jesus isn’t making ourselves the captain of our salvation, it’s Jesus who is the captain (Heb. 2:10). We obey God out of a love, faith, and out of having gratitude that we are saved in Christ. We have reverential love for Him (Gal. 5:6), and it’s by His grace which instructs (Titus 2:11-12). Living for God is trusting God. Living a godly lifestyle is not making it about our “works”. It's trusting in Christ’s work by making it about Him by being conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29). All of our good works we do and living faithfully is not making it all about ourselves but about God, as we are His workmanship (Eph. 2:10). Living a Christian life affirms our love to Christ (John 14:15, 15:14). It affirms our devotion to Him. His love compels us (2 Cor. 5:14) to do so and God’s grace is the instructor (Titus 2:11-12). By His grace, He has showed us how.
All of this is confirmation of having a saving faith in Christ, and is confirmation that we have and are surrendering our lives to Him by allowing Him to be the Lord and King over our lives. It is not our works that makes us righteousness (Titus 3:5). It is our faith in Christ that does by the power of the gospel (Rom. 3:22, Phil. 3:9, Rom. 1:16).
Living a godly lifestyle is not making it about your “works”. It's trusting in Christ’s work by making it about Him by being conformed to His image (Rom. 8:29). The works of Christ that save us is His death, burial, resurrection, as well as what He has commanded us to do to be saved by Him. All of those are God ordained commandments/works which Jesus taught and which the Spirit revealed to the Apostles, to teach us how to be saved by His grace.
It’s not placing hope in ourselves, but rather, hope in God, as when we live faithfully. That is how we let our light shine so that others may see Him in us (Matt. 5:16). That is why God gets all the glory (Psalm 29:2, Phil 2:13). His grace tells us that we can’t live in sin any longer (Rom. 6:1). It teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and teaches us to live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world (Titus 2:12) and teaches us to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior (2 Peter 3:18).
Just as in Moses day, the ones who looked to the pole of Moses that had a bronze serpent on it for physical healing when they got bit by a snake (Numbers 21:8-9..although the bronze serpent in and of itself did not heal them, God did), we must look to the cross of Jesus Christ that had the Lord of lords and King of kings for spiritual healing. Just as Naaman submitted to the Jordan River for physical healing (2 Kings 5:14), we must submit to water baptism for the remission of sins for spiritual healing by the blood of Christ (Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, Matt. 26:28).
By looking to the God of heaven, the cross of Christ, searching the sword of the Spirit, we learn that God has given us conditions to be spiritually healed. We are to believe in God the Father and God the Son, Christ (John 3:16, 8:24, 5:24). We are to repent (Acts 17:30). We are to confess our faith in Jesus (Acts 8:37, Romans 10:9-10). We are to be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). We are to follow Jesus (John 10:27). We are to do the Father’s will (Matt. 7:21). We are to walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:25).
Obedience to God is founded in grace (Titus 2:11-12) and love (2 Cor. 5:14ff). The same grace that saved us (Eph. 2:8) is also the same grace that motivates, instructs, and warns us not to continue in sin (Rom. 6:1, 12-18ff). Grace teaches us (Titus 2:11-12) not to continue in sin (Rom. 6:1), and has the answers for salvation when one ask what must we/I do? What do you want me to do? (Acts 2:37-28; Acts 16:30ff; Acts 9:6). Grace tells us what we must do to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 7:21). Jesus brought us salvation. On the cross, He died for all men (2 Cor. 5:15), and He brought us a soul saving message to all through His sacrifice, His words, His apostles and disciples. All of that is grace and is how His grace that has brought salvation has appeared to all men. In having mercy upon us, He saved us by His grace which also instructs us, not only how to be saved, but also how to live such a life that we can walk worthy of our calling as a Christian to glorify God (Ti. 3:5, Ti. 2:11; Eph. 2:8, 4:1; 1 Cor. 6:20).
The works of Christ that save us is His death, burial, resurrection, and what He has commanded us to do—which those are God given commandments to be saved by His grace. The term “works” is sometimes the equivalent of “obedience.” Elsewhere Jesus promised victory to those who “keep my works,” i.e., the works (commands) prescribed by him (Rev. 2:26)
Let us “continue in the grace of God” (Acts 13:43) by allowing the grace-given instructions of Christ to teach us where we are living the life that is “denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age” (Titus 2:11). God’s revealed will was given to us by Jesus. By grace, He instructs us to do the Father’s will (Titus 2:11-12; Mt. 7:21). Meeting the conditions of the One who first offers the commands and bestows the grace is not earning anything. It’s simply desiring His will over your own.
God's grace is what helps me overcome my sin, not why I sin.
God has a will for man to obey to be saved. As we do His will, it is obeying the work OF God. They are His works, which He gives to us to do. Those works are designed by HIM, not us. We are not saving ourselves by ourselves when we obey God’s divine authoritative commands. Everything which God has revealed to us through His word to be saved is grace. It’s dripping with grace and love. The Bible in the Old Testament and New Testament is full of commandments and conditional statements that God has freely given in order to receive what God freely gives. All of this is by God’s grace, as He has given instructions on how to receive what He freely gives.
These people who accuse the body of Christ outright refuse to understand that we are not saving ourselves BY ourselves when we obey God’s divine authoritative commands that we read in His Word. Nor do they understand that we are not saving ourselves BY ourselves when we are obeying God. Does God save when we live in disobedience or when one lives in accordance with His will in obedience. The fact they make an issue of God saving people when they obey is disturbing. Do they think God will save people who REFUSE His WILL?
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