It's important to focus on motivations like this when we struggle with addictions; if the reason WHY we want to stop isn't greater than the temptation to fall back in again, we will get nowhere.
While I think it's great that you want a good relationship with someone one day, I would suggest first focusing on building the relationship you have with God today. Not only will this set you up to be able to have those good relationships that you want later on, but as we draw closer to God, we naturally start to fall away from sin. This is not to say that it will be easy because it won't be, but God gives us the strength to be able to get through anything.
There are some things I do that, though simple, can really help when I am tempted. First, I remove myself from the environment (put my phone down, leave the room, etc). This helps me just get away because it's much easier to fall into the sin when it's right there. Additionally, moving away also means you have to make a conscious effort to go back, which gives you time to think if that's what you really want to be doing.
After I have done that, I pray. I ask God for strength to resist the temptation, but mainly, I just talk to him and remind myself that he is always there for me to help get me through anything. I find that, as I do these two things, the desire to sin starts to fall away because I am reminded why I am trying to resist the temptation in the first place.
I hope this helps, and God bless you ❤
Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.