Sure I understand this...but to make a blanket statement that all music is the same minus the label is ignorant.
How is it ignorant? I'm not unaware of the differences, I just see them as being relatively minor to nonexistent for this specific argument about BUSINESS. I thought I had been very clear on that point.
On a more technical level, the differences are only in the lyrics. Again, I believe I have already said that.
Are you claiming that the intent of the artist bears some weight on the final product? You are free to make such a claim, but it's more or less unprovable.
I will agree on a point you didn't make, but probably meant to- when someone is truly operating in and with the Spirit of God, they are more likely to touch people and be successful. That is why I am not making 'ignorant blanket statements' about success only coming from the devil or something. There are genuine artists out there, and they aren't all labeled as 'Christian artists.'
Can you accept the fact that some of them are NOT genuine? Because that was my entire point with this thread. You can't take everything at face value. That's it.
There are things that are blatantly wrong and evil and other things that are sneakier and more subtle. Christian music is one of the subtle ones, which I guess is why everyone's panties are in a bunch. Not ALL Christian music is subtly evil, but the stuff that is can easily sneak in because people have ZERO guard up when it comes to Christian music. Hence this thread.
Music of all kinds/types with Christ as the center is much better than the secular music that glorifies sex, violence and greed do you not agree? On the same token secular music that is from the heart and doesn't glorify money, sex, sinful desires is also better (morally)
So music with good, positive subject matter is better than music with morally questionable subject matter?
You just blew my mind, dude. What an amazing observation.
You know, it seems like you actually agree with me completely, but you've decided to be on the opposite side so you have to act like we're fighting.
Just because you are defensive doesn't mean I'm attacking.
I love Frank Sinatra's music, it's not Christian and in my opinion not morally wrong either.
This is what I keep saying. Judge the music on its own merits. Music that is pushed by the Christian music industry isn't automatically of God just as music that is pushed by the secular music industry isn't automatically of the Devil.
You guys can keep acting like I'm saying that all Christian music is horrible and awful and disingenuous, but that will not make it so.
Do you believe making money is a sin? If so you should quit your job and be a homeless person.
Not at all. I make quite a bit of money IN the music industry. I am fully aware that it doesn't have to be an evil business. However, I am also fully aware that it IS an evil business more often than not.
Nice try, homie.
The argument that them making money is in some way "wrong" is another ignorant statement. Secular artists make TONS more money than Christian ones. So your argument that they put "Christian" on their label in order to make more money is false. The opposite is fact.
I never said making money is wrong lol
Way to not provide ANY evidence or even a logical argument before claiming 'the opposite is fact.'
It's not a comparison thing. Either the label of 'Christian' ensures
some sales or it doesn't. I say it does. Prove that it doesn't and you may have a point here.
Spreading the word about themselves not Christ is an option yes. How you perceive their music is also your choice and perogative. Casting Crowns is a great band, if you decide to believe they are self promoting not promoting Christ I feel that is ridiculous but again your choice.
I never made that statement. Are you new to debates?
Money, music, promotion are not evil. What you DO with them is what counts good/bad/indiferant.
Again, didn't say this.
This is the DEFINITION of a strawman argument- you distort what I said and then argue against the distortion. It's a cheap tactic and completely transparent.