THE NEW DARK AGE: The Frankfurt School and the History of “Political Correctness.”
Michael Minnicino, FIDELIO Magazine, Vol 1, No 1, Winter, 1992
The people of North America and Western Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization.
Our children spend as much time sitting in front of television sets as they do in school, watching with glee, scenes of torture and death which might have shocked an audience in the Roman Coliseum. Music is everywhere, almost unavoidable — but it does not uplift, nor even tranquilize — it claws at the ears, sometimes spitting out an obscenity. Our plastic arts are ugly, our architecture is ugly, our clothes are ugly.
As part of this “New Age” movement, as it was then called [circa 1900], the concept of the human soul was undermined by the most vociferous intellectual campaign in history; art was forcibly separated from science, and science itself was made the object of deep suspicion. Art was made ugly because, it was said, life had become ugly.
The cultural shift…was due to a kind of freemasonry of ugliness. In the beginning, it was a formal political conspiracy to popularize theories that were specifically designed to weaken the soul of Judeo-Christian [nb: a nonsense-word] civilization [correction: it was and is a JEWISH assault on Christian civilization] in such a way as to make people believe that creativity was not possible, that adherence to universal truth was evidence of authoritarianism, and that reason itself was suspect. This conspiracy was decisive in planning and developing, as means of social manipulation, the vast new sister industries of radio, television, film, recorded music, advertising, and public opinion polling. The pervasive psychological hold of the media was purposely fostered to create the passivity and pessimism which afflict our populations today. So successful was this conspiracy, that it has become embedded in our culture; it no longer needs to be a “conspiracy,” for it has taken on a life of its own. Its successes are not debatable — you need only turn on the radio or television.
Our universities, the cradle of our technological and intellectual future, have become overwhelmed by Comintern-style [i.e. Jewish] New Age [i.e. Masonic] “Political Correctness.”
With the [artificial] collapse of the [Jew-Masonic creation, the] Soviet Union, our campuses now represent the largest concentration of Marxist [i.e. JEW] dogma in the world.
I. The [Jews'] Frankfurt School: Bolshevik Intelligentsia
The single, most important organizational component of this conspiracy was a Communist [i.e. Jew & Shabbos Goyim] thinktank called the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), but popularly known as the Frankfurt School.
In the heady days immediately after the [Jews'] Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was widely believed that proletarian revolution would momentarily sweep out of the Urals into Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not; the only two [Jewish] attempts at workers’ government in the West — in Munich ["The Bavarian Soviet" ruled by Jews] and Budapest [under the Jew Bela Cohen/"Kun" and his "Lenin Boys"] — lasted only months. The [Jews'] Communist International (Comintern) therefore began several operations to determine why this was so. One such was headed by [the Jew] Georg Lukacs, a Hungarian [Jew] aristocrat, son of one of the Hapsburg Empire’s leading bankers. Trained in Germany [by other Jews] and already an important literary theorist, [the Jew] Lukacs became a Communist during World War I, writing as he joined the [Jews'] party, “Who will save us from Western civilization?” [The Jew] Lukacs was well-suited to the [Jews'] Comintern task: he had been one of the [Jew] Commissars of Culture during the short-lived [Jews'] Hungarian Soviet in Budapest in 1919; in fact, modern historians link the shortness of the Budapest experiment to [the Jew] Lukacs’ orders mandating sex education in the schools, easy access to contraception, and the loosening of divorce laws—all of which revulsed Hungary’s Roman Catholic population.
Fleeing to the [Jews'] Soviet Union after the counter-revolution, [the Jew] Lukacs was secreted into Germany in 1922, where he chaired a meeting of Communist-oriented [i.e. Jewbified] sociologists and intellectuals. This meeting founded the [Jews'] Institute for Social Research. Over the next decade, the Institute worked out what was to become the [Jews'] Comintern’s most successful psychological warfare operation against the capitalist West [capitalism being just another Jew racket, based on usury/Jewsury, designed to crush and soften the non-Jew masses to make them more susceptable to Jew ideological domination].
[The Jew] Lukacs identified that any political movement capable of bringing Bolshevism to the West would have to be, in his words, “demonic” [i.e. Jewish]…
[A bunch of Jewey garbage here about how Dostoevsky supposedly laud the groundwork for the Jews' takeover of Russia by spreading so-called gnosticism ...]
However, [the Jew] Lukacs suggested, such a “messianic” political movement could only succeed when the individual believes that his or her actions are determined by “not a personal destiny, but the destiny of the community” in a [Jew] world “that has been abandoned by God.”