We Hold These Truths founder and chief messenger, Charles E Carlson, challenged some angry evangelicals in Tennessee who hosted an anti-Islamic, "Hate Fest" at the church of Rev. Maury Davis, a convicted murderer. These anti-Islamic events, being conducted around the US, have become popular among angry evangelicals (aka Christian Zionists). This is an amazing story of the "Anti-Shariah" Seminar attended and reported by WHTT friend, Keith Johnson, and, the vigil held in front of the Cornerstone Church in Madison, TN on the Sunday after the seminar. During the vigil, Rev. Davis came out of his church to challenge Chuck Carlson (see Chuck's letter to Rev. Davis sent before the vigil). The vigil was reported in The Tennessean, "Anti-Shariah conference at Madison church spurs vigil." This podcast interview is exerpted from Mark Glenn's TheUglyTruth podcast of Nov. 17, 2011 (whole program). To understand the context of the whole issue, be sure to watch the 25 min. documentary, Not Welcome about the attack on Muslims in Murfeesboro, TN who wanted to build an new Islamic Center, even though they have had a small mosque there for 30 years.
WHTT Why Are Christians Being Taught To Fear and Hate Muslims?
WHTT Why Are Christians Being Taught To Fear and Hate Muslims?