So god purposly gives us free will, a burden he knows will condem us to a life of death and dissapointment. God knew from the beginning that we would fail his test of original sin. So even if we live as the best Christian we can, god has still hates us because he crushed us for no apparent reason or gain. Maybe god did it to show us his love through jesus and our struggles, but then it would have been for god's gain, not ours. God put you through your pains, he put you into your unsuccessful life of ignorance. Be thankul he made us? Why, so we can be tortured and tested instead of the love we were promised? God's test are unnecesary. Choose to stay unquestioning your faith? Well then dont you think its a little ironic your not supposed to "think about it to much"? Faith isn't a gift, its a tool to keep you from seeing how twisted what your obeying really is. Explain yourself.