Bonnie, allow me to slightly rephrase your statements below. Emphasis mine
Not founded on Christianity but certainly on Christian principles.. probably any of our founding fathers, even the ones who were not Christians, would be apalled at the idea of a gay couple attending a prom

It's not progress, it's degeneration.
Not founded on Christianity but certainly on Christian principles.. probably any of our founding fathers, even the ones who were not Christians, would be apalled at the idea of a
mixed couple attending a prom

It's not progress, it's degeneration.
I don't think they should be allowed to, because I don't think other people should be forced to see that. You don't parade sin, and it is sin. It's not normal and most people would honestly say that they find it very disturbing, if they weren't afraid of all the judgment that would descend on their heads for saying so. "Haters", etc. No, it's not hatred. You still care about the people, but you don't allow them to openly parade their sinful lifestyle. I know most people in the world don't believe it is sin, but it still is, doesn't change the fact, and it's sad that people are so eager to approve of it outwardly nowadays for political correctness.
Forget for a moment that you're talking about gay couples here and think instead of mixed couples between black and white people. I'm sorry, but you are making the same arguments people were making not too long ago as to why blacks should be second class citizens. Should you be forced to look at mixed couples? How is that any different from a gay couple?
Also, do please remember that perhaps those gays don't have the same faith as you, and you can't restrict their freedoms because your religion tells you their behavior is inappropriate, when they might not subscribe to your religion. If they ARE christian, don't you think they're well aware of the fact the Bible says their behavior is sinful by now?
As for political correctness, I think it is about on the same level as denouncing people for their skin color, as it rightly should be.
Like we can't read the Bible in public at a school, especially as teachers/ school personnel. Heaven forbid that any child should see that and think that we are encouraging our specific religion, by our personal example of practicing it. That might be offensive!! Well, homosexuality is offensive to me, and to others who may even be afraid to say so.
Do remember that you can read the Bible in private all you want, so can teachers, but you cannot in state-sponsored public schools be led by a teacher (a figure of authority representing the government) to endorse a religious behavior. That teacher might organize a bible meeting after school hours and say rent a room just the same as any other organizations would like to rent the school, but he cannot have any special privileges because he is a teacher at that school.
If something is offensive to you, I'm sorry, but tough. You have no right to censor others because you don't like something. I personally find gross stupidity offensive (NOT saying you are stupid, far from it) but that doesn't mean I'm going to say people are only allowed to be stupid in private. You have no right not to be offended. You go out in public, you have exactly the same rights as any other individual.
[...] Christians should be protected from having to see gay people advertising their homosexuality, because that certainly is offensive to us Bible-believers. They shouldn't have to be subjected to the constant, subliminal message that homosexuality is a normal, acceptable lifestyle. Seeing a gay couple at a prom could certainly contribute to that. I believe in treating all people with respect and kindness but when sin is present, or even something abnormal (like being in love with a boy when you're a boy) you deal with it, you don't pretend it's normal and fine!
People shouldn't be subjected to the constant obnoxious message that they are sinners in the eyes of God and are going to hell as a result of it. Christians are allowed to air their messages and promote their values in public, and so is everyone else. You cannot silence a minority because you don't agree with them.
Also, would you please present evidence other than what is in the Bible that homosexuality is not normal nor fine?
Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although the gay couples at prom may not have an agenda, be assured there IS an aganda. Check out a little known book called "Afterthe Ball". Homosexuals in the late 1980s hired some of the best PR people in the country to promote their agenda, and whaddayaknow, it worked!
If Christians have to be tolerant and respectful of non-like minded individuals, why don't they have to be "tolerant" of our beliefs? I hear all the time the gay/straight thing compared to the black/white thing, and reject it as a valid argument. God never said being a person of color is a sin---far from it!
I guess my only suggestion, as a "con" for your list, is that it would make many people uncomfortable, and is disrepectful of their beliefs. (C'mon, Jews, Muslims, and Christians are taught that homosexuality is wrong.)
Good luck, and God bless! ~ellie
I'm sorry, because the Bible-thumping Republicans don't have an agenda?
There is also a difference between being accepting and tolerant of other people's beliefs, and letting the Christian majority get away with special privileges. As for God saying being black is not a sin, the Mormons do. Do you think we should respect the Mormon's faith and let them enslave black people because it expressively allows them to in their holy book? Come to think of it, that is also allowed in the Bible's Old Testament...
It would make people uncomfortable, I agree, and that would be a con. However, that is in no way shape or form a valid reason for trying to ban the practice or suppress a gay/LGBTQ person's rights. If Muslims told you that a woman not wearing a veil is disrespectful to their beliefs, do you think we should force women to wear the veil? How is this any different from Christians and LGBTQ people?
"separation of church and state"... where exactly does that statement appear?
Sure he can. Anybody can argue for or against anything at all.
Separation of church and state in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The first amendment of your Constitution? Saying your because I'm Canadian, and we have a Charter of Rights and Freedom, basically the same thing with a different name I think.
And you can argue all you want, but it's beyond reasonable doubt that the founding fathers did NOT want to establish a christian nation.
To all, I'm not attacking your beliefs or saying that they are stupid in any ways, I'm saying it is perfectly all right and reasonable for you as individuals to hold these private convictions. However, the moment you wish to apply those convictions to the public sphere, you'll need a lot more and much better arguments to get there. I also wish to point out that gay marriage has been legal in Canada since 2003, and gay rights is very much a non-issue here. People who don't like homosexuality are not homosexual, and people who do are. LGBTQ don't go out of their way to piss off people, and the people who don't like LGBTQ don't go out of their way to take their rights away. Live and let live, don't like it don't do it, do unto others as you would have done unto you, and don't assume everyone has the same morals as you do.