I have experienced the holy spirit at least three times: they all happened when I was in deep sleep.
The first one was when I was a non-believer, (it gave me proof that God was there)
The second one was a month after I was saved, (the holy spirit gave me comfort when I was feeling down)
and the third time was just last night but with a twist: Afterwords, it turned into a nightmare.
The third one was significant to me since it answered me my prayers, and gave me comfort. I prayed for my heart to not feel ashamed about myself, and to keep me strong.
It started by me in my dream laying on my bed and then realizing that God was present. Each time I get these dreams I know its the holy spirit because it feels as if my heart is being opened and the holy spirit rests there. I then hear my voice and another man laughing in happiness and I was simply in serenity. I decided to turn myself around on my bed to face the ceiling and raise my hands and I started to speak in tongues in my dream! But then, something happens. I realize I'm floating from my place, and I'm floating away from my bed. I expect to fall off the bed but instead I start to feel fear and something pulls me from the ceiling and starts pulling me away. I try to move my body so I could go back to my bed but then I realize my body has become paralyzed. I start to freak out and I try to scream for my mom but I couldn't talk, I tried so hard but I couldn't.
Then I wake up, not feeling comfortable to go back to sleep. I called someone close to me and they stayed up late for me, but when I went back to sleep I was just too scared.
When I called that person though, they thought that maybe it was the enemy and my soul was the one being pulled away from the Holy Spirit. But I thought the Holy Spirit was stronger than the enemy
So, can you be attacked by the enemy during the presence of the holy spirit?
The first one was when I was a non-believer, (it gave me proof that God was there)
The second one was a month after I was saved, (the holy spirit gave me comfort when I was feeling down)
and the third time was just last night but with a twist: Afterwords, it turned into a nightmare.
The third one was significant to me since it answered me my prayers, and gave me comfort. I prayed for my heart to not feel ashamed about myself, and to keep me strong.
It started by me in my dream laying on my bed and then realizing that God was present. Each time I get these dreams I know its the holy spirit because it feels as if my heart is being opened and the holy spirit rests there. I then hear my voice and another man laughing in happiness and I was simply in serenity. I decided to turn myself around on my bed to face the ceiling and raise my hands and I started to speak in tongues in my dream! But then, something happens. I realize I'm floating from my place, and I'm floating away from my bed. I expect to fall off the bed but instead I start to feel fear and something pulls me from the ceiling and starts pulling me away. I try to move my body so I could go back to my bed but then I realize my body has become paralyzed. I start to freak out and I try to scream for my mom but I couldn't talk, I tried so hard but I couldn't.
Then I wake up, not feeling comfortable to go back to sleep. I called someone close to me and they stayed up late for me, but when I went back to sleep I was just too scared.
When I called that person though, they thought that maybe it was the enemy and my soul was the one being pulled away from the Holy Spirit. But I thought the Holy Spirit was stronger than the enemy
So, can you be attacked by the enemy during the presence of the holy spirit?