Christianity in many way has become a religion, a set of rules, opinions and ideas, but its not meant to be.
I am so tired of people saying, "Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship." Sure, it's a relationship. It's also a religion. The definition of a religion is a set of beliefs. "Belief" and "faith" are synonyms. Therefore, if you have faith, you have religion, by definition. If you reject religion, you reject Jesus. Period. End of story. You can't redefine a word just so that you can exclude yourself from it. There is nothing wrong with being religious, so I don't know why one would not want Christianity to be called a religion in the first place.
If you say, "Christianity is
more than just a religion," I'm totally with you. Although a lot of the religions in the world can make that same claim, I agree that Christianity is different. Well, for one thing, it is right, and all the others are wrong. File that one under "duh."
But to claim it is not a religion is to reject Jesus Christ and to embrace atheism. And that, my friend, lands you clearly on THAT side of right, not on THIS side.
So let me warn you: When you start out your post with this gem, it's going to be hard for me to take anything you say seriously; you've already set yourself, in my mind, as someone who isn't really thinking things through.
Most "christians" don't really believe that the Bible as a whole is true, they take what they want and leave the rest. The Bible is not a buffet or fast food restaurant, you MUST take it or leave it! Anything else is a lie.
ALL Christian pick-and-choose. Because it is impossible to accept everything in the Bible literally. Example: One of the commandments is "Honor thy father and thy mother," but then Jesus said, "You cannot love your father or your mother and also follow me." Of course, we don't take the 2nd one literally. We understand it in a different context. That is exactly my point: Every sentence in the Bible must be understood according to its context. Yes, it is all Truth-With-A-Capital-T, but it is not all literal. Even Christians who claim it is all literal don't take it all literally. See the above example. When Jesus said "I am the vine and you are the branches" he was not saying that we have all magically been transformed into flora. Its poetic speech--metaphor, specifically--and Jesus uses it all the time, as does God in the Old Testament (which makes a lot of sense, for those of us who believe that Jesus and God are one).
I suspect your problem with the Christians you want to put quotes around is that they take some things figuratively that you would rather take literally. That doesn't necessarily mean they aren't Christian. It means they have a different understanding of Scripture than you do. Some people who understand, say, the story of Noah and the Flood as figurative rather than literal are devout Christians who see that story as an allegory that God is telling, on a grand scale. And some people who believe in a literal, global flood are not Christians. Taking the Bible literally is not the same thing as understanding the Word of God as Truth. In fact, sometimes if you take it literally, you totally miss the Truth.
"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
James 1:27
Not sure what this has to do with the rest of your post, but I do like this verse. James is simply harkening back to the OT prophets, who seemed to have to remind the children of Israel about orphans and widows a lot. Kind of like today. Nothin' new under the sun, huh?
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.
Hebrews 11:1-3
Oh, this is one of my favorite verses. Again, I'm not sure what it has to do with your post, or with the topic at hand, but it's a great verse from the Great Book, so no complaints here.